I've nothing to say
Besides 100,000,000 big ones. Mwa ha. Mwa ha, Mwa ha ha ha.
Confessions of Mel... Reach me at melissa_jo27@hotmail.com People who know me should know that though...
Somebody actually complemented my hair today. For those out there who know me, its quite an accomplishment. I actually made a hair dresser cry once because she colored my hair seaweed green. It wasnt supposed to be seaweed green, you see, I colored my hair red before, and I wanted my natural blonde color back. So she was dying it blonde, and it became this green color. A really, really, really deep greenish/grayish color. She broke down crying, many other hair dressers had to come to the rescue, since my hair dresser was uncontrollable. In the end they got a normalish color back to my hair, they also had to cut a bit of it off. And also when it got wet, it turned gray. I havent colored my hair since.
I forgot that I had two midterms today. The maximum amount, since I only have two classes. One in yoga and one in American History. I freaked out.
I finally got the computer hooked up at my apartment. And I also programmed some Sims into it. The Sim Tower game. Haha. I built a building this morning before work, and left it running aaaaaaaaalllll day. I should have some major bank by the time I get home today.. I CANNOT WAIT! This should be so exciting. Less than one hour, then a quick drive home, and time for spending fake money!!! Watch out Mr. Donald Trumpster!!! Mwa hahahahaha.
I frikin HATE Tuesdays. And I probably hate you too (Not really, actually I love you all so very frikin much, and that really really annoys me). Why is it that I repel men like crazy, but all bugs are so attracted to me? I don't like bugs, I frikin hate bugs. And phones. And a good percentage of the boys out there. And my hair. And an over abundance of pink paper.
Thats right, I'm ridiculuuuuuus. Because it's the weekend, baby-oh. Har Har Har. I'm going to do things that arent involving things like... things. You know? I'm awfully tired.
Phooey. Only by the grace of God did I get through another week. Or the grace of Coffee, whatever. I'm in a rut, I think I might start volunteering somewhere. What do I want to do??? Hmmm... Err... Uhhh.... Maybe I will just take a nap.
I just received a phone call from my sister (hi Brenna) and she was telling me about uhh, those twins. Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen. They now want to be "individuals."
I forgot today was secretaries (admins) day. I got to work, and there were many flowers for me! And chocolates. And gift certificates! I feel so very loved and appreciated! It almost made up for the fact that Betty practically bit my finger off yesterday (index/right/at the tip: the most inconvenient finger, on the most inconvenient hand, at the most inconvenient place).
I've always wondered why Times New Roman font is ALWAYS the default font. And Arial. And Courier New. WHY?? None of them are very cute. The cute font is the Georgia font. And Book Antiqua. They are bubbly and not oversized like Courier New. Courier font is just waaaaaaaaay too big and fat. If Courier New was a man, he would be someone like John Candy or Chris Farley. Arial is just way way way too clean cut and boring. If Arial were a man, he'd be Arial Snotty the Eigth. Any guy with a title like "the third" or "the eigth" seems sooooo boring. Excluding King Henry the Eigth. And dont get me started on Times New Roman. Every frikin book out there is in Times New Roman font. LIVE A LITTLE PEOPLE!!! Expand your horizons!!!!
I'm not a very good hampster owner. Poor Betty. I got a hampster starter kit that came with a cage, water bottle, food, etc for very cheap. Unfortunatly I got a faulty water bottle with that kit. It would leak like CRAZY. I thought it was supposed to do that, so by the time I got home last night 4 water bottles were emptied into her tiny cage. All the bedding below expanded and took up most the room in the cage. Betty had to dig a path to walk through the cage. And she was very very wet. And from the look on her face, very very upset with me.
Haha, so, I guess my gal pals ran into my roommate at the local Old Navy just the other day. Or shall I say they ran into my roommate AND her excessive gas problem at the local Old Navy just the other day. It was described to me, and I quote:
WOO-HOO!! I get to go to a John Mayar concert. And Moroon 5 is going to be there. Finally John will be able to sing "Your Body is a Wonderland" to the girl it was intended for, ME!!! HAHAHAHAHA. I love caffine. And I very much love my gal pal Jme for going out and buying those tickets. Because I'm working and couldnt stand in line. JME I OWE YOU ONE!!
I have no more pencils. Someone took the cruddy half sized pencil. I must have done some kind of awful to someone. I have been informed by my gal pal (and fellow receptionist) that it would either be my boss or my co-worker. Harrumph. Maybe I will just slip into their offices.....
I'm at work (Big Suprise), and I have noticed something as of late. My pencils are dissapearing. Why? I dont know, I'm the only one (excluding my gal pal/co-receptionist) who uses these pencils. I had five (count that: one-two-three-four-five) good sized pencils this very morning. Now I have one half sized pencil that wasnt even mine to begin with. Someone traded a good sized pencil for a crudy half sized pencil. That's not right. Not at all. What have I done to this "pencil theif" I ask you? What could possibly have happened to make them disrespect me in such a heathen like manner?
Which old boss? The wicked boss!! Haha, just joking. Intresting enough, I actually like my boss. Who am I kidding though, I like everybody. Wutta a pain. But back to the boss being gone. I GET TO WEAR MY COAT NOW!!!!! HAhahahahahahahahaha. Thats right, the temperature is still dropping. The air conditionings on. Why? God only knows.
I think I should form a lynch mob. And this lynch mob I created would attack the man who heats this office. It's cold outside. VERY COLD. Its colder in here. In a building. On the 6th floor. Didnt I hear once that heat was supposed to rise? Hohohoho.
I was on the phone today with a man who wanted the phone number to Ashmead School of Massage. The conversation is as follows:
I have to pee so freakin hard right now. Oh lolly. And the clouds are rolling in to stay apparently. RAIN. Thats what it does here. It rains and rains. And rains and rains. And rains. Ususally. I wonder if I'm having a mid-life crisis. I want to move to Arizona. Right smack in the middle of the desert. Were its hot. And not rainy. Where the sun shines and shines and shines.
Good Golly miss molly, I sure do like to partay-haaaaaaaaaaay. Except its monday. So the lyrics should be more like, "Good Golly miss molly, I wish I wasnt working"
Happy Easter, I suppose. You know my roommate (the one with the excessive gas) has recently become devoted Christian. Which is annoying because every time I move in with someone, they go crazy for our Lord up above. I reallly dont know what it is about me....
Did you know that when the sign at the Krispy Kreme doughnuts place is lit up, that they just give you a free doughnut? Just for being there?
Oh thank the heavens above its thursday. I dont think I could have handled another day. In fact, I'm sure I couldnt. Dunk-a-dunk-a-dunk. You know, I'm not even sure I can handle the rest of today! I still have 7 hours and 50 minutes to do. Hells bells. Something needs to cheer me up.... What could possibly cheer me up? A hot man. That would cheer me right up. Unfortunatly I work here, we repel hot men at Western Business College.
It's Monday again. I swear, Mondays come outta no where. It completely snuck up on me. Although, I dont work Friday this week (thats right, I get a three day weekend) so it's kinda like my tuesday. If I think about it real hard. But it's really not. Really it's Monday.
I found that GIGANTIC YELLOW SPIDER in my car again. This time I killed it. HAHAHAHAHA. Take that! I drowned it in febreeze. So now my car is both refreshing and spider free. Talk about killing two birds with one stone.
Well, its Saturday, and I am working, or shall I say "working" mwa hahahahahahahaha. God, it's beautiful outside. But I am inside. There is something so sosososososososososo wrong with that. Portland is the best place to be when it is sunny. People (even the psychos) are so nice. Boss is back must go.
Unless of course you are sitting next to someone like my roommate, who has excessive gas. In that case plug your nose, and take short, quick breaths through your mouth.
If Brenna is reading this before tomorrow, very good luck on your test!!!! Remember to breath through your nose, and use those natural filters! I shall see you soon.
Har Har Har