Monday, April 12, 2004

Good Golly miss molly, I sure do like to partay-haaaaaaaaaaay. Except its monday. So the lyrics should be more like, "Good Golly miss molly, I wish I wasnt working"

I dont think I am a very good receptionist as I actually get quite angry at people when they call. Like right now, I'm really focused in on writing this here blog, and people keep asking me questions and calling this school. That really really annoys me. And a lot of times, I dont know anything. People ask me something, and I just stare at them with a blank face. That really really annoys me too. Not that I dont know anything, but that people would think to ask me something I dont know.

I would be a better manager. Because I would like to take lots of really long breaks. And have people fear me. And make a lot more money. But I need to work on my laugh. I have a really quiet one. To be a manager, you have to laugh loud enough for the entire floor to hear. A really evil laugh too. MWA HWA HWA HWA HWA. ::cough cough::


Oh Mondays, how I despise thee.


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