Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Seaweed Green Hair

Somebody actually complemented my hair today. For those out there who know me, its quite an accomplishment. I actually made a hair dresser cry once because she colored my hair seaweed green. It wasnt supposed to be seaweed green, you see, I colored my hair red before, and I wanted my natural blonde color back. So she was dying it blonde, and it became this green color. A really, really, really deep greenish/grayish color. She broke down crying, many other hair dressers had to come to the rescue, since my hair dresser was uncontrollable. In the end they got a normalish color back to my hair, they also had to cut a bit of it off. And also when it got wet, it turned gray. I havent colored my hair since.

But thats not my point, the point is someone complimented my hair. And I dont consider "is that really your real hair color??" a compliment, you see. That means it looks like I'm a fake blonde, thanks to all those jealous brunettes out there (the same goes for my eye color "do you really have blue eyes???" No freak, I have red eyes, I wear these blue contacts to hide my devil eyes). Thats not my point either, they werent complimenting my hair color, they were complimenting THE HAIR ITSELF.

Which, really astounds me. I hadnt brushed it at all today. Or washed it for that matter, I wash it at nights when I have class so early in the morning. They asked me how I get my hair to fall this way, and here is my secret:

First - Wash it at night
Second - Blow dry it only, do not touch it when you are done
Third - Get your beauty sleep
Fourth - Now this is the tricky part - Wake up sooo early where you dont give a flying crap what you look like
Fifth - Just walk out the door, and let nature take its course (ie wind blowing, greasiness, etc etc)

And thats how you get beautiful hair like mine.

The End


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