Thursday, July 29, 2004

Another reason PeopleSoft can go to hell for all I care

Why is it that EVERYONE at this company has been able to complain about problems they have been having with PeopleSoft, and I dont EVER?  WHY?? WHY???  FREAKIN WHY????  I have problems with it.  I dont think the headaches I have been having since we have gotten PeopleSoft are a coincidence.   People have been flying from all over the country to help us with PeopleSoft.  I have yet to be helped.  Everyone here has been helped multiple times.  Not me though.  No ho ho, not ONCE!!!

I guess what I think about it doesnt matter.  I guess I shouldnt bother being trained for the damn thing.  Properly.  ARG!  Every time I see an error code (and for those of you who dont know, I see an error code at least 30 times per day) I want to stick a fork in my own hand.  I mean, I really want to do that.  I feel it will distract me so I wont be tempted to throw this computer out the window.  I need my Office Space fix real bad. 

Therefore my quote today will be from Office Space:
"It's not that I'm lazy; it's that I just don't care."

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

This day needs to end right....NOW

Hells Bells.  It's been one of those days were you blink and have done something else wrong.  Hooie.  I accidentally went out on a date this lunch break.  Har Har Har.  "date." 

Here's a story (as a warning its a sad/pathetic one if you are not in the mood, like I am not in the mood right now errrrrrr, but sadly enough, this is my life)  I have had a RAGING headache since Saturday morning.  It hurts.  I complain.  People get sick of me.  I get a worse headache.  I complain some more, and so this pattern goes on and on and on.  I'm sick of me right now.  Har Har (not really, I could NEVER be sick of me, no one entertains me like I entertain me).  So I have been taking Claritin-D.  My headache fades then, but never completely leaves sadly enough.  ::sigh::  So this afternoon, I get to work a little bit early, because I'm motivated to work.  Good for me, yes??  Haha, unfortunatley, I take a phone call that turns out to be for me.  ::sigh::  It's some boy that has been harassing me to go out with him on a date.  So I say "yes" accidently, because I am caught off gaurd, I wasnt even supposed to be working yet.  So at 2:30 I go out to my lunch date.  ::sigh::  I took some Claritin this morning to suppress my headache again, so I'm loopy.  Loopy as all loopy people.  So I was hoping that he would be one of those guys that spends his time talking and talking and talking so I wouldnt have to think so hard.  ::sigh::  No.... I had to carry the ENTIRE conversation for the ENTIRE hour.  When I wouldnt come up with a topic, it would be silent.  Silent.  Haha, occasionally he would try to start a conversation, er, like... "Do you like riding trains?"  What the...?  What is he talking about?  Here was that part of the conversation:

"Do you like riding trains?"
"Er, Umm, I guess....?"
"I rode a train once from Washington to Texas"
"Ah, I see...?"
"It was a long ride"

Hoooooo, Lolly.  I'm going to die lonely.

Thursday, July 22, 2004

Oh Good Gravy

I'm already starting to get nervous about my speech.  BUT GOOD NEWS!!!!!!!!  I finally get to take another language at school!!!  Hardy har har.  I cannot wait.

I belong in...

Pirates of the Caribbean!

What movie Do you Belong in?(many different outcomes!)
brought to you by

Oo dah la lee

My neighbors are LOUD!  This morning they were fighting with eachother.  And they YELL and yell and yell.  Apparently the girlfriend of the two is, and I quote, an "F*^#ing liar"  and he told her to "Shut the F*^# up" because she is "an F*^#ing liar"

To me this means he is bad in the sack.  Why you ask?  Hardy har har, here is the reason why....

She is not just a plain old "liar"  nonono, she lies when she is f*^#ing.  Which means she is most likely faking an orgasim.  Why else would she lie when she is f*^#ing?  It probably isnt in this boyfriends best interest to tell the entire neighborhood that he is a bad lay, but what ever floats his boat I suppose...

I was driving to work this morning.  Ugh, someone commited suicide.  Right on fourth street, which is the street I drive on.  They closed the block of course.  And everyone was just watching the police clean the body up.  It grossed me out.  I saw a bit of blood and practically passed out in my car, let alone stare intently at it like they were all doing.

People are weird.  The end.

I owe my roommate a top ramon meal.  ::sigh::

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

I Accuse My Parents

Har Har Har, I watched a lovely film last night called: I Accuse My Parents.  Its about a boy who accidently joined a mob unknowingly because his parents drink and through parties and give him cash.  The movie does indeed have a plot, but somehow forgets add in any reasoning.

For example:  If some random girl end up at this boy's doorstep pregnant with twins because this boy, Jimmy, has a lot of unprotected, casual sex - He can blame his drunken parents.

Another example:  If Jimmy drops out of school and become addicted to various drugs - He can blame his drunken parents.

Yes, another one: If Jimmy KNOWINGLY joins the mob to escape his drunken parent - He can blame his crazy, drunken parents.

But I mean, come on, accidently joining the mob to buy his girlfriend presents?  That's his own fault.  It's his fault because he is dumb.  But for some reason the judge agrees with him that it is indeed his parents fault so he gets away with murder, the lucky guy.

Monday, July 19, 2004


My weekend is as follows:
Friday night:  A lovely night out with the girls.  Probably the most interesting bathroom experience I have ever had too.  The bathroom stalls at Aura have, what are those called...uhhh... two way mirrors, I believe.  So what is a mirror to the dancers on the outside of the restroom, is a window to the pee er.  Whilst I was peeing, a guy checked himself out dancing with some girl.  It looked as if he was looking at me.  Eegads!  Luckily I had to pee super bad, so I didnt get stage fright.
The night ended with me placing my cell phone, along with my left overs from the Montage (the homosexual waiter was there again, SCORE) in the freezer.
Saturday:  It begins with me looking for my cell phone while taking shots of Pepto while getting ready for class.  Somehow I was not able to find my cell.  I cant imagine why.  Went go class.  Got out of class.  I then saw a PT Cruiser.  I loath PT Cruisers.  Whatta eye soar, really.  Pshhh.  It had a personalized plate that read: PT4U2C.  If I were any lesser of a person, I would have let that ruin my day.
Got home from class, looked some more for my cell, with no avail.  ::sigh:: I watched Footloose to cheer myself up.  It worked, God love Kevin Bacon.  Haha, Melissa love Kevin Bacon too.  Then I went out to dinner with on helluva guy entitled Brandon.  I like him because he doesnt like me.  That I know of.
I went home after that, exchanged dialog with my parents and sibling.  And dog.
Went back to my apartment and slept for many many many hours.
Sunday bloody Sunday:  Woke up.  Realized I had no food so I went back to the parents and ate theirs.  Then I went grocery shopping.  Got home opened the freezer AND FOUND THE PHONE!!!!!  I may have sworn at this point, I really dont remember.  The phone works!  Phew.  It was cold though, and it made me giggle when I held it up against my ear.
I then cleaned the apartment.  It looks FANTASTIC!  Well, it actually kind of looks like a before picture in Trading Spaces, but I'm poor.  So meh.
Watched some more movies with my roommie.  Exchanged more dialog with my roommate.  And then I slept.
Monday: I am here.

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Sex and the City

You Are Most Like Miranda!

While you've had your fair share of romance, men don't come first

Guys are a distant third to your friends and career.

And this independence *is* attractive to some men, in measured doses.

Remember that if you imagine the best outcome, it might just happen.

Romantic prediction: Someone from your past is waiting to reconnect...

But you'll have to think of him differently, if you want things to work.

Which Sex and the City Vixen Are You Most Like?
Take This Quiz Right Now!

Find the Love of Your Life
(and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.

Hampsters, Deers, and Ankles

Betty is dangerously overweight. Not her fault, really. I feed her quite a bit to make up for the fact that I never play with her. Her feet barely reach the ground any longer because her tummy is so big. This morning I fed her, and she stuffed all her food into one cheek. It was a bit creepy looking, actually. Her one cheek was just as big as her. I had this GIGANTIC cheeked hampster looking at me. Betty is really really odd.

I saw a deer on my way to work this morning. It was running across the street. All other drivers slowed down and looked just as confused as me. What the hell is a deer doing in Beaverton. I know the name "Beaverton" for a town sounds like the town would be full of "beavers" and "deer" and, I dont know, "elk" or something. This is not the case, however. Beaverton is full of people, cars, and Starbucks. I feel really bad for that deer. She got across the street all right and everything. But, umm, I dont think she will be all right for long. I feel bad for the car that hits her too. I hope its not me.

to the deer, if you happen to be reading this: GO HOME! To some forestie type land and do forestie type deer things! Beaverton is no place for such an innocent creature! Beaverton is FULL of crazed people doped up on caffine, nicotine, and gas fumes!!

My ankle hurts. Its kind of a random place to be hurting. I need new work shoes with cushy soles in them! Oh my kingdom for a cushy soled pair of shoes!

Sunday, July 11, 2004

All Right

Hardy Har Har, so my gal pal Jme and I went to see Maroon 5 and John Mayer yesterday. A very talented group of boys. Mmm Hmm. John Mayer has some pretty interesting orgasmic like faces when he plays his guitar Jme and I noticed. And enjoyed.

Beer was $6.50. Yee ouzers!

There were some pretty out there like lesbians that I will refuse to think about.

There were also adolecent boys.

And drunk people.

And some sun. When the sun left, I FROZE. Because it got really really cold. I was sitting on damp grass. EVERYONE around us were smart enough to bring blankets. Not Jme and I though, no ho ho. We were the cutest girls there with out boyfriends though. Har Har. Although, we may have been the only girls there without some boyfriends. Why didnt we think that John Mayer is more of a couples artist!?!? Why didnt we think to bring blankets?!?!? Why did I have to wear flip flops?!?!

John Mayer is worth it though. Even the $6.50 beer.

After the concert Jme and I met up with our other gal pal, Sona and had pasta at Montage. We fell in love with a homosexual. And then, I'm actually not quite sure this happened because I was so tired at this point, we left him a note with our tips that said we all had a crush on him. He was our waiter, see? I think we all may have a bit more growing up to do. There was a lot of 12 year old girl like giggling going on.

Really good food. If you go there, try the Famous Liguine. Nummmm.

Then I got home and CRAAAAAAAAASHED!!!! And slept for hours and hours and hours and hours.

Now I'm dazed. Not confused though! Never confused.

Thursday, July 08, 2004


So I have chills, and I would have a headache if I hadnt had 3 advil, Allegra, and Tylonal with some coffee. I also am unable to eat ANYTHING which is highly unusual for me.

I wonder if I am sick. And if I am sick, I wonder what I am doing here.

Good Gravy, I need one helluva nap.

Wednesday, July 07, 2004


Haha, funny story, I inputted an application into PeopleSoft today at work, and to my suprise, I was apping a girl who graduated with me. Haha! I have no idea who the hell she is, nor do I really care for that matter, but I sure do look a hella lot better than she does!





Score one for the Melissa nater!

Break time!

I was actually doing work tonight, when I realized my head hurt quite badly, indeed. So I stopped, and now I am writing this here blog entry.

I havent got much sleep this past evening. The people who live above me were having a crazy like party until the wee hours of the morning, God love 'em. And then around 7am, the landscapers came to do landscapie like things. And I guess landscapie things involve banging a ladder up against my wall while staring through my window at me. Yes, thats right. I woke up to some hispanic guy staring in my window banging a ladder up against the wall. WHY?? I dont know.

Then I tried to take a nap at work, but apparently its EVERYBODY'S birthday today. So the financial aid team were making lots of noise singing and eating cake. While I sat there grumbling. And not eating cake.

I got a cookie later on though. Mmmmm.

I ate a burrito for lunch today. I got it from a roach coach down here. When I paid for my burrito (vegitarian black bean burrito, by the by) and was leaving, the girl called out to me "Bye! It's my birthday!" And then I turned around, looked at her and said "hunh" and then walked away.

I am a birthday scrooge today. Birthdays! BAH....hum bug. SLEEP, the world needs more sleep! Not more birthdays and parties and pretty landscaping.

I am going to John Mayer and Maroon 5 this saturday. Ho ho ho.

And! September is just around the corner now! Vegas...beware......

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Rooty Tooty Fresh and Fruity

So, one of my favorite authors has come out with another book! Louise Rennison is her name. Away Laughing on a Fast Camel is the book. Haha, I probably will have it finished by tomorrow night! Very exciting day.

Besides the fact that I had to wake up and go to work today. Hmmm. Well, you know, as they say, Every rose has its thooooorn... Every cowboy sings a sad sad song. Or something.

Oh great now I have that song stuck in my head. I dont even know the words. I guess its better than having a Christmas song stuck in my head like I did earlier. Oh no. Now I have both stuck in my head.

What child is this that has a rose that has a thorn on a O Christmas Tree that sings a sad sad song.


Oh haha, I got a comment on my tarzan blog. Someone thinks Tarzan is hot. Who thinks Tarzan is hot? Aladdin is the hot prince. Or Disney character or whatever. Prince Charming from Sleeping Beauty is not hard to look at either. If I were a cartoon princess, I would be all over that...

Unfortunately, I'm real and a receptionist. Hmmm.

Sunday, July 04, 2004

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday America!!! Hope this next year goes well for you! For your birthday, I shall vote for Kerry! I'd do better, but I have no choice, oi.

Friday, July 02, 2004

Here I am

I am the only one here. Arg. All of my co-workers are gone. Arg. I am the only one here.




Thursday, July 01, 2004


Which Celebrity would you hook up with if you were drunk?
brought to you by Quizilla


What movie Do you Belong in?(many different outcomes!)
brought to you by Quizilla


Nothing happened today.

Woke up, brushed teeth, drank coffee, complained about something, complained about something else. Nothing out of the usual.

So here is a random movie quote for you all

Go that way, really fast; if something gets in your way . . . turn.

It's from Better Off Dead.

Time to go complain about something now....