Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Bad Melissa...

I'm not a very good hampster owner. Poor Betty. I got a hampster starter kit that came with a cage, water bottle, food, etc for very cheap. Unfortunatly I got a faulty water bottle with that kit. It would leak like CRAZY. I thought it was supposed to do that, so by the time I got home last night 4 water bottles were emptied into her tiny cage. All the bedding below expanded and took up most the room in the cage. Betty had to dig a path to walk through the cage. And she was very very wet. And from the look on her face, very very upset with me.

She just sat there looking at me, all shivery. I feel that if she were human, she would have slapped my face and challenged me to a dual. Because for some reason she looks French when she is mad. And French people dual, I think. They probably do. They are all kinda nutty. Like my hampster.

LUNCH TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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