Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Monkey head in a biscuit thrower..

I forgot that I had two midterms today. The maximum amount, since I only have two classes. One in yoga and one in American History. I freaked out.

When I got into class this morning, the yoga man teacher thing told us to partner up, so I "partnered" up with the girl next to me. Man-o-man-o-man, we were only supposed to watch each other get into yoga positions. Which I did with ease, as I am a master beginner yogaer. Every time before she would get into position, she would come up with some pitiful medical condition she had, and that's why she didn't do a good job with her yoga positions. "oh, I have a wrist condition" "oh I have a knee condition" "oh I have a shin condition" I was so ready to say "lady, if being hella annoying is a condition too, you'd have a chronic case."

I didn't say that however, as one, its rude, and two I really didn't think of it until just right now. Haha, and its funny too. Being annoying as a condition? Man, I kill myself. Yea, this morning when I had my class, I was thinking more like "Hubbbity, hippity, hubbbity, hum, hum" as I am unable to think at 7 in the morning. Its a condition I have. HAHAHAHAHA. YEA RIGHT. I don't blame my laziness on a condition. Just like that lady shouldn't blame her inflexibility problem on 18,000 different made up conditions.

I passed my yoga test. Hahaha. I passed my history one too, as I am a master American History student. I am a master at everything. It's a condition I have.


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