By the way...
Oh, I'm going to Vegas tomorrow, in case I havent told you 18 times yet...
Confessions of Mel... Reach me at People who know me should know that though...
I am leaving on a jet plane (finally), dont know when I will be back again (actually, I will be back Sunday around 10:30 am, so I do know when I will be back again) Oh, babe, I hate to go (although, in reality, I dont hate to go at all, in fact I love to go). HAHAHAHA, America's playground wont know what is going to hit it. SHAH BAMMIE!!!! Dont worry blog readers (mom and kelly, that is), I will give you the FULL story on this blog come Sunday/Monday. Someday, I may even have a picture book blog..... Oh hohohohohoho. With pictures. And stuff. Of Vegas and me. And other people. In Vegas.
Vegas.... oh Vegas. I'm almost in Vegas!! VICTORY!!! Hopefully there will be some victory on the gambling front also, that would make my day/life.
Hmmm, I havent written in a while now. I moved my sister into her dorm room. She has a walk in closet. In her dorm room. Her college dorm room. I've never had a walk in closet. Well, I suppose my ENTIRE room as a whole could in fact be considered my walk in closet, as I can only fit my clothes, shoes, accessories, and purses in the room. Well, thats not true either, my bed is in there. Undernieth my clothes. I havent actually SEEN my bed in about two weeks. Someone could have run off with my bed, and the last two weeks, I could have honestly been sleeping on a pile of my dirty laundry. But thats not the point of my story, the point is I'm going to Vegas on Wednesday.
Flies have always annoyed me, and they will continue to annoy me far into the future, I believe. I hate their buzzing and stupid, you know, selves. They poop every 10 seconds. Thats why they land everywhere. The ENTIRE world is their personal toilet. For some reason, lately flies have been living with me (mind you, with OUT paying any rent) even though they annoy me. This year has been a difficult one for me, flies are faster than they normally are. And may I say, a bit...smarter than they used to be. Oh yes. Just the other evening, as I was slipping off into lala land, a fly landed in my ear. I FREAKED! All I could think was that a fly pooped in my ear. Gross. So I thrashed up (imagine an infected person from 28 Days Later) grabbed a piece of paper and went to war with this fly. I soon realized that this fly could not be killed, so PLAN B, kick it out of my room at least. It can poop on the couch, but not on me. 30 minutes later - they fly has LEFT THE ROOM. Praise Buddah/Baby Jesus/Whoever. 20 minutes later I finally start slipping back to lala land. "Buzzzz" IT CANT BE. No. Flies cant do that, my door is firmly shut... "BUZZZZZZ" It IS. I almost cried. Perhaps I did cry, I dont remember at this point. A fly has landed in my ear again. So the fly and I went through the whole dance again. I thought I was going CRAZY. Why was this fly stalking me? Was it because I killed its ancestors?? Oh I dont know. 30 minutes later, I get the fly out of my room. I spent ONE HOUR fighting with a fly. One entire hour on a Saturday night. While other people were out having a life. I battled with a fly who wanted to make my ear its personal poop toilet. ::sigh:: So this is whats become of my life...
I just ate a TOOTSIE ROLL!!! Take that science! Hmm, let's see, what did I mean by that?
It's really hot here at my work. And its Saturday. Welcome to my day... The smell of pizza is in the air. I cannot have pizza as I am on a diet. And pizza is not diet like food. I wouldnt want pizza anyway, I want ice cream. And LOTS of it. With pretzels. Oooh, pretzels. I miss sodium and sugar more than I can say. And sooooda pop. This is why I didnt want to work today. Whatever though. I mean, yea, whatever. Who cares. I'm getting used to being hungry super fast. Ok then. Gosh. I hate you.
So guess what kept me awake last night..... If you guessed another train, the answer is "no" If you guessed my dumb neighbors, you would be particially correct. Because this time its my brand-spaking new neighbors that are the annoying ones. Do they throw parties? No the dont. Are they always drunk/high? No actually, they seem quiet clean. Do they have really loud porn like orgasims? YES THEY FREAKIN DO!!! Are they very long and drawn out porn like orgasims? RIGHT AGAIN! I hate my new neighbors.
The shirt I am wearing today has incredibly tiny buttons. And regular sized button holes. You can imagine what a great combination that is. Every time I tug on my shirt, it comes completely undone. No biggy really. I just am wearing a tank underneath.
Why is it that ppl care SO much about who this mystery boy who I saw the other day is, but no one cares that I had to listen to freaking country music on the way to work today? Hmmm?? My friends/family need to get their priorities straitened out... HAHA, not really. I love each and everyone of them. Taha. LESS THAN ONE HOUR TO GO!!! Victory is approaching!! AND I get a free breakfast tomorrow morning. The President of this joint is getting us bagels for breakfast. Because, as a team, we have performed very well in the year 2003. I do hope I remember to wake up tomorrow morn. It was an awfully hard task this morning. There was a great deal of moaning and feeling sorry for myself going on. For example, I said outloud "mmmmmmmmm, arg owwwww gaaaah" Inside I was thinking, ummmm, actually I dont remember thinking about anything at all. Hunh.
Despite my longer work hours, I managed to stay up until 2am with my gal pal, Lisa, who is moving to San Fran on Friday. I dont exactly remember what we did, or what we talked about. It must have been interesting though, if I stayed awake... I'm very sad she is leaving though. I want to move to San Fran. I actually would rather move into my bed and sleep at this point. You see, it's because I am really tired right now. And I cant stop thinking about my bed. Is this what it is like being in love, I ponder.... Hahaha, as close as I have ever been, likely. I have defied the morning gloomy/annoying morning radio issue!!! Yes! Thats right! I have found a radio station that plays happy music in the morning. It is a country music station. I dont like country. But even country is less annoying than Celine Dion this early in the morn...
Well, hmmm. Today, at the mall, during my lunch, I was walking. It was pleasant. I was riding down an escalator when I saw someone I had a crush on in high school. He looked FANTASTIC, and when I mean fantastic, I mean, like, incredible. He saw me, and apparently recognized me and waved. Haha. Yea. I freaked out. I felt myself turn some sort of red/pink/purplish color, was unable to breath, and broke out into a cold sweat. Oh, also I didnt wave back. I just stared. With wide eyes. I am officially a freak. It's happened. Lord save us all....
There are many many many reasons why mornings are the worst part of the day.
So, er, I need an extra day this week. One to do things that need to be done. For example: Sleep. I need to sleep. I sound selfish, I know, but I really do need it. People keep doing things that require my time. For example (I love examples) Lisa is moving to San Fran on Friday. So I must visit with her one last time before she leaves me forever. Another example, my co-worker quit on us, and now we must celebrate on Friday night. And then I have a speech. That needs a visual aid. But I have to be here. Working. Which means I have to do that during some night. Tomorrow night. Wednesday night. Ah yes, Wednesday. Hump day. I guess I look more friendly than I actually am. For example... Yesterday as I was walking to my car, a man who was standing directly in front of Rialto's (a restuarant/bar/pool room)asks me where Rialto's was. I said he was standing right in front of it. He laughs. I just look at him and continue to walk. He says, "hey! can I buy you a drink?" Sadly enough, I have a complex where I am somehow unable to say no, so I turn around, and give my best "suddenly struck deaf/dumb" look, turn around and continue to walk to my car. Which is me saying "no" Without talking.
It depresses me that I will not live to the year 2222. Two Thousand Two Hundred Twenty Two. A bit of a mouth full I tell ya. No, I wont live to that age. I was born too early. Too Too early. ::sigh::
My apartment complex has been painting our buildings for WEEKS now, it seems. They have gotten to the doors now. While waiting for the paint to dry we have to keep our doors unlocked. For 24 hours. This would be no big deal to me if I were a big burly creepy looking man who lives in a safe neighborhood protected by a large mean dog.
Thursday, July 29, 2004
My hampster has one black and one red eye.