Friday, August 06, 2004

Oh My Head....

My apartment complex has been painting our buildings for WEEKS now, it seems. They have gotten to the doors now. While waiting for the paint to dry we have to keep our doors unlocked. For 24 hours. This would be no big deal to me if I were a big burly creepy looking man who lives in a safe neighborhood protected by a large mean dog.

This is not the case. I am a cute, single girl in a very unsafe neighborhood with only a weird eyed hampster to keep me safe. I was talking to a neighbor of mine the other day, she had been living in this complex for about a year and a half. In the time she had been living there, there has been a rape at gun point, an elderly woman taken hostage by an escaped convict, 3 drug busts, and one sex offender.

I have no idea what I am going to walk in on today. A dead roommate. A pair of missing shoes. Betty could be kidnapped. Oh! The possibilities!

On the bright side, Betty is one scary hampster.


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