Thursday, August 12, 2004


Why is it that ppl care SO much about who this mystery boy who I saw the other day is, but no one cares that I had to listen to freaking country music on the way to work today? Hmmm?? My friends/family need to get their priorities straitened out... HAHA, not really. I love each and everyone of them. Taha. LESS THAN ONE HOUR TO GO!!! Victory is approaching!! AND I get a free breakfast tomorrow morning. The President of this joint is getting us bagels for breakfast. Because, as a team, we have performed very well in the year 2003. I do hope I remember to wake up tomorrow morn. It was an awfully hard task this morning. There was a great deal of moaning and feeling sorry for myself going on. For example, I said outloud "mmmmmmmmm, arg owwwww gaaaah" Inside I was thinking, ummmm, actually I dont remember thinking about anything at all. Hunh.


At 11:11 PM, Blogger sjhiro said...

LOL. i have to listen to country music all the time (family members love country)!! hahah jk. so.. who was this mystery guy? which reminds me, we saw someone from hs too at mcfaddens.

oh- and when did you change your email?! must have slipped your mind to send out an email update? hahah.


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