Tuesday, July 20, 2004

I Accuse My Parents

Har Har Har, I watched a lovely film last night called: I Accuse My Parents.  Its about a boy who accidently joined a mob unknowingly because his parents drink and through parties and give him cash.  The movie does indeed have a plot, but somehow forgets add in any reasoning.

For example:  If some random girl end up at this boy's doorstep pregnant with twins because this boy, Jimmy, has a lot of unprotected, casual sex - He can blame his drunken parents.

Another example:  If Jimmy drops out of school and become addicted to various drugs - He can blame his drunken parents.

Yes, another one: If Jimmy KNOWINGLY joins the mob to escape his drunken parent - He can blame his crazy, drunken parents.

But I mean, come on, accidently joining the mob to buy his girlfriend presents?  That's his own fault.  It's his fault because he is dumb.  But for some reason the judge agrees with him that it is indeed his parents fault so he gets away with murder, the lucky guy.


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