Monday, July 19, 2004


My weekend is as follows:
Friday night:  A lovely night out with the girls.  Probably the most interesting bathroom experience I have ever had too.  The bathroom stalls at Aura have, what are those called...uhhh... two way mirrors, I believe.  So what is a mirror to the dancers on the outside of the restroom, is a window to the pee er.  Whilst I was peeing, a guy checked himself out dancing with some girl.  It looked as if he was looking at me.  Eegads!  Luckily I had to pee super bad, so I didnt get stage fright.
The night ended with me placing my cell phone, along with my left overs from the Montage (the homosexual waiter was there again, SCORE) in the freezer.
Saturday:  It begins with me looking for my cell phone while taking shots of Pepto while getting ready for class.  Somehow I was not able to find my cell.  I cant imagine why.  Went go class.  Got out of class.  I then saw a PT Cruiser.  I loath PT Cruisers.  Whatta eye soar, really.  Pshhh.  It had a personalized plate that read: PT4U2C.  If I were any lesser of a person, I would have let that ruin my day.
Got home from class, looked some more for my cell, with no avail.  ::sigh:: I watched Footloose to cheer myself up.  It worked, God love Kevin Bacon.  Haha, Melissa love Kevin Bacon too.  Then I went out to dinner with on helluva guy entitled Brandon.  I like him because he doesnt like me.  That I know of.
I went home after that, exchanged dialog with my parents and sibling.  And dog.
Went back to my apartment and slept for many many many hours.
Sunday bloody Sunday:  Woke up.  Realized I had no food so I went back to the parents and ate theirs.  Then I went grocery shopping.  Got home opened the freezer AND FOUND THE PHONE!!!!!  I may have sworn at this point, I really dont remember.  The phone works!  Phew.  It was cold though, and it made me giggle when I held it up against my ear.
I then cleaned the apartment.  It looks FANTASTIC!  Well, it actually kind of looks like a before picture in Trading Spaces, but I'm poor.  So meh.
Watched some more movies with my roommie.  Exchanged more dialog with my roommate.  And then I slept.
Monday: I am here.


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