Annoying Fact of the Day
People actually like Carrot Top
Confessions of Mel... Reach me at People who know me should know that though...
Kasar Megro is a formula for making your own Star Wars names. Here it is.
First Name
1. Take the first two letters of your last name
2. The first three letters of your first name
Last name
3. First two letters of your mother's maiden name
4. First three letters of where you were born
Today, November 30th, 2004 marks the day I got my very own first sales call! I WAS NOT INTERESTED!! ::sigh::
I had some pretzels in my purse tightly sealed in a ziplocked bag for emergencies. For example, lets say I'm hungry, yet working, and I need a little pick me up, TA DA!! I have a bag of pretzels! Well, lets also say that I packed these pretzels in my purse merely a month ago, and haven't found a use for them....that is, until this very moment. Here's the annoying bit... lets now say, I have to eat them STALE. Having a ziplocked bag APPARENTLY MEANS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!
Thanksgiving is a fun Holiday. You eat. Sleep. Eat more. Watch a movie. Laugh at things. Then sleep some more. This was an even more fun Thanksgiving though, because my pallies Lisa and Brandon were in town. Oh what fun had we. Involving drinks, the Banana Republic and a short film with Jesus (yes, the Baby Jesus). However, sadly enough, nothing interesting happened this weekend.
1. Melissa
2. Mel
3. errr, Sissa
1. Creepy yellow spiders. Actually ALL spiders.
2. Heights, erlack!
3. Getting lost.
1. Food
2. Suprises
3. Dorky television shows, much like the Regency House Party and Bonanza
1. Shampoo
2. Bras
3. Chewing gum
1. Sweater to ward off the coldiness of this office
2. A hair band, because my hair annoys me today
3. A bra, because my ta-ta's are uncontrollable otherwise (cursed ta-ta's)
1. friendship
2. attraction
3. trust
1. shoulders
2. humor
3. their laugh
1. Complaining
2. Shopping
3. Actually, I have no favorite hobbies. I have habbits. Like picking at my nails. And playing with silly putty.
1. Smaller waist
2. Saturday off
3. Magical powers
1. international business
2. HR management
3. marketing (haha, I just made all these up, I have no idea)
1. England
2. Paris
3. Greece
1. Have money
2. Find a cure for cancer
3. Marry Dave Matthews
Someone peed in one of our elevators at work. How does this happen? Where do these people come from? Whats going through their head when they do this? I mean, come on already. This is a business school not a) a hospital or b) Smart Park or c) Trimet. People just dont pee in schools. It's wrong.
Foo Foo. Right then. Today (monday to all you) is my Wednesday. I am EXCITED!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Taha. Ok. God, this is boring. Working. "working" tahaha. oh crap, I have to ride the max home tonight.
Jesus, I dont know who Mike is. I do know that I am drunk right now. And right now, I know I need a burrito. From Taco Bell. Oohhh... Yes... Taco Bell....
A week from today, I shall not be working... "Why," you inquire? Tahaha. Because I will be in North Carolina. North Carolina is not Oregon. HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA. And if I'm not in Oregon, or anywhere NEAR Oregon, I cant get to work. HAHAHAHAHAHA.TAKE IT
So this morning I had a dream that I was in Europe, and I was having fun. Then I woke up and was annoyed. Because I'm not in Europe and I dont have fun waking up. Later on I made it up to myself my getting a pepermint mocha from Starbucks.
Hmmm. Laurel, Mardell, Sharon, Genny, Michelle, and Gail are gone. Hmmmm. Those are all the people I work for. The sun is shinning down on my today, thats for sure. Muhahahahha. PAID PLAY TIME!!! HOWEVER, right now I shall take the opportunity to thank everyone who gave me such a great birthday, and also the ones who babysat me when the time called for it. Ach! I am annoying drunk. The list is as follows:
Mumsy, Popsi, Lindsay, Brenna, Murphykins, Lexi, Kelly, Kurt, Riley, Jennifer, Angela, Amber, Jenifer, Jme, Jeremy, Donna, Tom, Random Guy at Bar, The Other Random Guy at Bar, Tiva (who makes GREAT food), Heidi, Sireina, Sona, That Greek Guy, TANYA, The Last Random Guy at Bar, Darbie, Ben, Jesus, and the rest of the ppl I work with.
Oi. What happened? I cant afford to have the gas prices any higher, unless I get a new job with higher pay. And we all know THAT wont happen. What with Bush staying were he is. On the bright side, I may not have to worry about gas prices and getting to work if I'm drafted! LETS HEAR IT FOR THE MORAL REPUBLICANS!!! Good choice America. Good grief. On the even brighter side (and I'm serious this time) it's my B-day tomorrow! Solid. HA. Ooo blah di.
Thank you for tomorrow, baby Jesus, thank you. ITS OVER!!! OVER OVER OVER! If I ever hear that swanky bitch Golli Ameri AGAIN I will put some hurt on. The End. It's going to be so nice in Portland now, instead of avoiding people who make sure you are registered now, I'm only going to have to avoid Santa's ringing their stupid bells whenever I try to grocery/Christmas shop. Ah, avoidence, my dear sweet friend.