Wednesday, November 03, 2004

I'm sorry America, Can you repeat that?

Oi. What happened? I cant afford to have the gas prices any higher, unless I get a new job with higher pay. And we all know THAT wont happen. What with Bush staying were he is. On the bright side, I may not have to worry about gas prices and getting to work if I'm drafted! LETS HEAR IT FOR THE MORAL REPUBLICANS!!! Good choice America. Good grief. On the even brighter side (and I'm serious this time) it's my B-day tomorrow! Solid. HA. Ooo blah di.


At 12:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where in the world did you ever hear about a draft - for women?! Months ago it was found out that some democrat put that online and it spread like wildfire. The army can't take just anyone in, it's so technological and all the recruits and volunteers who join the army have to be specially trained for the type of war there is today, unlike in previous wars.


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