Monday, April 11, 2005


Friday: I did go to Salem. I went to Salem in a Jeep. My date did not show up. So sad. Darbie got a grill for her birthday, much to my delight. I convinced Darbie to join Portland Fit with me. Portland Fit is a marathon training program. We are intending to walk the marathon come October. Later, we leave Salem (again much to my delight) and head off to Portland. We got a few drinks at a bar in NW. I get slightly tipsy, then Darbie tells me she's moving back in with her parents in August. In my head I question why my roommates keep leaving me for their parents. This would be the third in a row. Or as The Count would say, "That is three, three roommates who prefer their parents over you mwa ha haaaa." (sidenote, I wonder if The Count is going on a low-carbs diet with the Cookie Monster...)

Saturday: Darbie and I join Portland Fit and walk three miles. Then we plan a barbeque with Jme and Jen. I cut cheese and poored wine. It was actually quite classy. Minus the card table and hot dogs. The girls drooled over Ben Taylor (James Taylor's son), whilst I stood in a corner and drooled over Michael Buble. Later in the evening Jme left... Darbie, Jen and I head off to Sin City... a land where pretty prostitutes roam free, and people kill a lot of other people in super disturbing ways! Half way through the movie, the three miles I walked caught up with me, and my leg started cramping up. Luckily Clive Owen was able to distract me. I love that man.

Sunday: I slept. All. Day. I visited my parents briefly, just so I could get some Murphy love. Then I went home and slept. Also, I watched Desperate Housewives. Which was good.

Today: I start my Portland Fit homework and walk for 20 minutes. Hoo weeeeeee.


At 9:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

clive. i drool over that man. you should see arthur. he's hot. that was a good desperate show last night too!

At 1:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear about Darbie! That sucks! 3 now, what a trip! Well, I hope that something good happens out of this, other than a partner to walk with. I'm sure you will be successful in the marathon. Love T


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