Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Ouch! It hurts!

The allergies....have......begun. Ugh. My head hurts soooo bad. I went to the drug store at lunch and bought me some Advil Cold and Sinus. I felt bad that I dont actually have a cold, just allergies. When I went to go buy the Advil, I was afraid that the lady wouldnt sell the Advil to me because it was obvious that I wasnt sick at all. So when she rang up the Advil, I sniffed loud to show her I was sick. My nose made a weird honking noise. I dont know why. Probably because of my lame frikin sinuses.

Hows this for a weird story....

Today, my co-worker, Jodi is out sick. And I came in with a bad headache.
NEXT DOOR, Crystal is out sick, and Cindy came in with a bad headache.


Now that I think on it, I wouldnt be sniffing if I were having sinus clogging issues. Which I am. Having sinus clogging issues. The drug store lady prolly thinks I'm psycho weird.

Or she doesnt care at all.


"You can go your own waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay"

I hate today, it needs to end.


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