Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Public Enemy #1

Haha, during my illness, the movie "Reefer Madness" came via Netflix. This movie was originally called "Tell Your Children" and was a propaganda film against marijuana in 1936. Hillarious flick, full of misinformation and bad acting! It begins with a principal informing parents of the dangers of marijuana. According to Dr. Carroll (the principal) marihuana (yes, thats how they spelled it) is more dangerous and addictive than opium, heroine, and cocaine. The symptoms include uncontrollable laughter, followed by hallucinations and violent behavior. Then Dr. Carroll tells a story about young Billy, who one day accidently smoked marihuana.

Apparently they have now made this movie into a musical with Neve Campbell. I may have to check it out.

The only thing missing from the movie, were Mike and the bots. ::sigh:: so sad.


At 11:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahah. right after i spoke with you on the phone, i called the lady back, and she needed my photo id for the criminal background check. and if all clears, she'd like to offer me a job!!! whoooo! i'll know for sure friday. ... heehee. get better soon so we can have a possible celebration! i miss melissa!


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