Thursday, March 09, 2006

Today's Forcast....

Even worse than yesterday's! HOW?! WHY?!



Nothing is worse than slush. It's a wetter version of rain. I think I waddle like a penguin in the slush. I figured this out because I had a Starbucks run this morning and when I was walking from my car to my building I kept sloshing my coffee everywhere. I was wet from my knees down from slush and my waist up from Starbucks coffee. I think I should take finishing lessons so the next time it's slushy outside I'll glide beautifully in work with my coffee, instead of mimicking the waddle of the penguins.

It was hard to go to work today. My car had a couple inches of really nice snow on it. My inner child was yelling at me when I brushed it off my car so I could drive. It was the nice "make me into a snow ball" sticky like snow, too. Now it's probably slush. Sad, dirty, nasty slush. ::sigh::

I dont know if anyone who reads this blog ever watches "Arrested Development" at all, but sometimes when George Michael was having issues with his girlfriend, he'd walk around with his head down, and the Charlie Brown music would play in the background. Today, I wish when I'm waddling around, the Charlie Brown music would play in the background. That'd be AWESOME.



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