Friday, May 13, 2005

Let The Weekend Begin...

I was so over this week before it even began. I'm so grateful that today is Friday. I am also very grateful that Caleb died on the OC. Things are looking up.

So anyhoo, for all of those who care, or are just really bored at work: I shall tell you my weekend plans:

Tonight: Game thing at Kelly's place. I'll play Cranium. I'll lose. My team will so so ashamed, and whisper to eachother cruel things like, "Why'd she have to be on our team? Gosh!" But chances are I'll have a few drinks running through my system, so I'll be beyond The Land Of Caring. So, sorry, future team.

Tomorrow morning: Nine freakin miles. Ouch. (Please, please dont start raining until the afternoon, Oregon...)
Tomorrow afternoon: I think I'm going to paint the parents new place. With Darbie. Haha, no not really with Darbie. I'll use a paintbrush, of course, but Darbie will be there painting along side of me.
Tomorrow Evening: I'll be painting the town red with Christina. Hopefully before this long over due event, I will be able to take a nap. Because, I'll be TIRED. Oh yes! It shall be hillariously fun nonetheless.

Sunday: Maybe more painting. Definately more sleep and food.


At 8:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought we were playing Pictionary.
Does Cranium require any thinking? It's 8:25 and my brain already hurts.

At 10:54 AM, Blogger Tanya said...

Sounds like an adventurous weekend. I hope you and Red have a great weekend. By the way, I have a book called Cold Mountain and I believe it was yours, so I think I'm going to read it, if you don't mind.

At 5:27 AM, Blogger Brenna said...

Caleb died?! I had my VCR set to record it, but then the power went out during a thunderstorm, so I totally missed it. I was highly disappointed. What else happened?


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