Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Biography of Scott

So (like the little lemming I am) I watched American Idol last night, despite the fact that Scott is still a contestant. This was the episode where the cameras follow all the idol wannabe's to their homes.

Carrie's town is cute and forgettable. Like her mom.
Bo is Bo. You know what I think. I forgot where he lives. I DO remember however, how much I hate his girlfriend. A thin brunette, my worst enemy....
Vonzell is not someone I would want to meet in a dark ally. She would probably kick my ass after thinking I'm a stalker or something. She'd be all "HIEEEEEE YA!!!" ::Kick, kick, punch:: and I would be all "Crap" She takes martial arts, you see. Or her brothers would kick my ass.
Anthony. He sang as a kid. I think his parents have been crying ever since.
Constantine lives in NY. With a veeeeeeeeeeeery scaaaaaaaaaaary family. He definatly got the looks in that bunch. Hunh. ::shudders::

That leaves.... Scott.

Eminem, J-Lo, any survivors of the holocaust aint got nutin on Scotty Savel!! ::snap snap:: Scott had to deal with the horrors of growing up in an Ohio Suburb. And as they say, Scott's Ohio Suburb is the new 8 mile. Growing up, Scott had to eat his mother's home cooking! His parents wanted him to be a priest (?!?!?!)! Occasionally they had to save money! Scott wont do that to his son though. Scott will give his son the life he never had. And what better way than to beat the crap outta his son's mother?! OH!! I mean, win American Idol.

You know what? Whatever. I had a long talk with God yesterday. Scott's gettin the boot tonight.

Sorry, Scott, no one likes the average Joe.


At 6:44 PM, Blogger sir77 said...

HA!!!! I knew you couldn't stay away! You're right though--tonight's his night. Notice how he looked really WORRIED after Simon told him to pack his bags??? I mean, he wasn't even up to his usual crap standard last night!

FINALLY!!! I can feel it. He's SOOOOOOO OUTTA THERE!!!!!!!!!

THANK GOD I'm not the only one watching!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At 8:54 AM, Blogger Tanya said...

I knew you would watch it too! I watched it on the news, because we watch Lost, but I agree with Sireina, he's outa there! He didn't even sing well, they all told him that though. Well, then, I wonder what you guys will talk about after your dreams come true and he's gone?

At 9:32 AM, Blogger Kelly said...

I am sad. I thought you were stronger than that. :( But alas Scummy Scott didn't get the boot, Constantine got it. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Oh the despair of American Culture or lack thereof.


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