Tuesday, May 10, 2005


I watched Star Wars last night, like I said I was going to. It was good. Anakin was angry a lot. And then he was sad. And then annoyed. And then angry mixed with sad mixed with annoyed. And jealous. Occasionally he was kind of happy or not really happy about something. Kind of sounds like he's got his monthly, haha, you know what I mean? ::nudge, nudge, wink, wink::

Does anyone think that C3PO have a lot more personality in the older Star Wars than in these ones? I do. All he does in the newer ones is walk around in a robotic fashion, and say stupid things in a British Accent, like: "I've never flown before!" and "Master Anakin??" and "if they wanted our help, they would have asked for our help!" and I'm all, like, "Dude! You're lame!" (of course, with an American accent)

So anyway, for anyone who cares (ie, no one), here is what has taken place so far:
Jedi's find Anakin.
Anakin gets annoyed/mad/sad/kind of happy/kind of not happy/jealous aka: his monthly.
Anakin likes Padme. We know this because he thinks about her sometimes, and acts annoyed when she doesnt flaunt herself at him apon his arrival.
Padme ignores all the many, many warning signs that Anakin is off his rocker, and marries him.
Obi-Wan fights and so does Yoda.
Samual L. Jackson are in the movies. So is that guy from NYPD Blue.
Everyone politely ignores the foreshadowing Supreme Chancellor Palpatine keeps throwing in their faces.

I LOVE STAR WARSMANIA!!!! I'm taking you all down with me! Mwahahahhahahaha.

9 Days left.....


At 10:08 AM, Blogger Tanya said...

I'm with her, what's in 9 days??? I want to watch a movie too with you guys.

At 10:15 AM, Blogger Melissa said...

Uhh, what was my blog about??? Star Wars. Star Wars is in 8 days now.

At 10:57 AM, Blogger Tanya said...

No, what is it in 8 Days!?

At 11:14 AM, Blogger Melissa said...

On May 19th, at midnight... The final installment of Star Wars (Revenge of the Sith) comes out in theaters....

When I wrote my original blog, May 19th was 9 days away. When I wrote my comment, May 9th way 8 days away.

Today, May 19th is 7 days away.

Therefore, there are only 7 days left until the final installment of Star Wars (Revenge of the Sith) comes out in theaters.

I hope that answers everyone's questions....

At 1:37 PM, Blogger sir77 said...

No, it doesn't. WHAT'S in 7 days? HAHA: just kidding!!!

At 3:34 PM, Blogger Brian said...

I saw a private screening of it yesterday. Incredible. I really think it was *dare I say* flawless? R2D2 kicks some serious ass, but that is all I am saying.

Sorry for the random comment. I just needed to tell someone!


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