Tuesday, November 15, 2005


Heeeey hooooo.

I'm on a diet.

And I hate life.

For some unexplainable reason, this morning my comforter smelled like stale cigarettes. I hope I just have a brain tumor or something, instead of my comforter ACTUALLY smelling like stale cigarettes.


I actually had a pretty great weekend. Friday I went out with the girls for some food. To Benihana. I've only been there several times. It's hard to go with a group of people, you dont get much conversation with them. You can only hear the people who are sitting next to you. Darbie and Jaime sat next to me. It was nice catching up with them.

Then on Saturday, I saw the new Pride & Prejudice. The A&E/BBC version was much better, naturally. But I did win a "Mrs. Darcy" t-shirt, which was cool until I saw the ending of this new P&P. It was dumb. It made me bitter and witty for the rest of the evening.

And then I learned to crochet again.

And on Sunday, I did nothing but lounge around. Sooo sooo nice.

This next weekend I get to see Pride and Prejudice, the play. Which I'm super excited about. My co-workers got it for me on my birthday. Along with the book. And Kurt made me a great bookmark. Made of antler horns. Or a horn. One horn.

It makes me
incandescently happy.

Mrs. Daaahcy, Mrs Daaahcy, Mrs. Daaahcy.


I love you!! My blog readers!!

Or on Sundays, my pearls.

Kill me.


At 1:32 PM, Blogger sjhiro said...

Oh I'm sorry the P & P movie didn't score well.. maybe I'll just wait and rent it.

I finally uploaded pictures from your marathon and Benihana's, but you'll have to wait until I have internet access for my notebook.


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