Monday, June 07, 2004

Frequent break #2

OMG JONATHAN BRANDIS IS DEAD!!! He killed himself last November. No has told me. My mom's celebrity death beeper has FAILED me. Why would he kill himself? There is no reasoning behind it. One, I used to have a large crush on him, which would be enough to sustain the most depressed of people. And two, how will he know how Harry Potter ends if he's DEAD?!?!

I mean, maybe he was sad his movie career went no where. Maybe he had to become a receptionist. Oi, I shudder at the thought. Maybe he worked as a receptionist in an extremely cold building. That was girl repellant. That poor sap.

PS Jonathan Brandis was Bastian in The Neverending Story II, for you dopes who dont know who Jonathan Brandis is. Pshh, you are probably partly responsible for his death. Remember the good ol' Ladybug days..... ::sniff sniff::


At 7:43 AM, Blogger Brenna said...

Excuse me, I believe that I was the one who liked Jonny Brandis. You made fun of me for it. I loved the "Ladybugs!" And SeaQuest! You and Lindsay were mean to me about it! Silly girl. I can't believe he's dead, though. How weird.

And it was just last weekend that we were talking about him. Less than two weeks ago. We must have been feeling the cosmic vibe. Though, we missed it entirely in November...


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