Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Frequent Break #1, Day 2

::Yawn:: I've been itching at my hand in this one particular place for like a half hour. I've just looked at where I've been itching a minute ago, it was a papercut, now its all bloody. Yuck. It still itches. I have 4 papercuts from just yesterday. I'm really a facinating person arent I? With my papercuts and all. Hooie.

My baby sis is graduating tomorrow. I hope not everyone gets up and walks away like they did at my ceremony. My last name is Yard, and there were, what? like 500 ppl in my graduating class, no one was there when I got my diploma. They all were getting up and leaving. 4 years of bs, and no one appreciates it. Hrmph. Maybe Lindsay will get to be one of the first ones because she is valedictorian. I'm very proud of her.

I'm also very proud of my friends who are graduating from OSU on Sunday. I'm sad they cant be with me this weekend for the sailors, but it is COMPLETELY understandable. Anyway, more sailors for me is not a bad thing. And Lisa is in town, we always have a blast together. And this time LISA IS INDEED SINGLE!!! Finally!

In conclusion I'm very proud of Jme Jen Jen and Lindsay! You go get 'em girls!! Also my very good gal pal and receptionist in crime had her father's funeral yesterday, so much love goes out to Tanya. I love you too gal!! Hope you are feeling better...


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