Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Last Night

Last night I did some payroll accounting homework. It wasnt hard, really, it was just figuring out what percentage of Federal Income Tax/SS Tax/City Tax/State Tax comes out of people's paychecks. The problem I had was watching these fictional people's paychecks become smaller and smaller. I felt bad for them. Poor M. Grubbe (who is single and claimed 3 on his w-4) with a weekly sallary of $535 looses a lot of money each week. S/He probably needed that money for the three he/she claimed on his W-4. And there I was taking hundreds upon hundreds away from him/her. For what?!!? WAR!!! POORLY BUDGETED SCHOOL SYSTEMS!!! CORRUPTED SENATOR PAYCHECKS!!! (who by the way, dont have to pay social security taxes). errr AND OTHER STUPID STUFF!!!

I dont think I'm cut out to be a payroll accountant.

No siree bob.

My mom sent me a fun link that allowed to turn Jodi and I into S. Park characters. Please enjoy...


At 10:17 AM, Blogger jen said...

You are adorable, and so is that character :)


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