Thursday, September 22, 2005

I dont live alone...

At a few minutes before 3:30 this morning, I woke up to Darbie rustling around with the garbage bags. I thought, "man, what is Darbie doing awake so late?" then I started drifting back off to sleep.

A few seconds later, I woke up again and thought "I dont live with Darbie!"

But the rustling continued. So I sat there in my bed at 3 freakin 30 in the morning and fretted. I turned my alarm clock on, so the URO (unitentified rustling object) would get scared and either a) run away from Oregon forever or b) die of fright. Sadly, neither worked. And the rustling continued.

I got out of bed then, and stomped my feet. The rustling finally stopped, so I tried to go back to sleep. And it actually worked for a few minutes. Then the scratching began. I dont know what the URO was doing, or why. But it freaked me out. So I got up, came to my parents house, grabbed the Murphy dog, and ran back with Murphy.

I let Murphy loose in the kitchen, telling him to kill anything that moved. He walked straight over to Betty's cage. Sniffed the cage a bit. Then walked over to my garbage bag on the floor. Sniffed some more.

He really is really really really slow. Then he walked over to one of the cabinets. Sniffed. Then walked over to Betty again. Sniffed. Then walked over to me and sat on my feet.

I kind of gave up then. I kind of sighed a little, knowing I'm going to be very tired today. I turned around to walk back to my parents place, but before I left my house, I saw the whole in the garbage bag....

My name is Melissa, and I live with a mouse.


At 3:20 PM, Blogger sjhiro said...

Oh Melissa, I love your dramatics!

What are you doing tomorrow night? Saturday night? Actually, when are you free this weekend?


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