Monday, September 19, 2005

This Last Weekend

I had my 21 mile bench mark this weekend past. Three weeks until the marathon! I cant wait for all of this to be over. I shall reclaim my lazy Saturday mornings! I wont feel guilty about going out on a Friday night for the first time in SIX MONTHS! VICTORY WILL BE MINE!!!!

Also, this weekend, I was cleaning the windows at the house. This house that I'm staying at hasn't been lived in for, like, over two years, so there are a plethora of dead flies and other various sorts of dead insects at the window sills. My favorite kind, actually. Dead. I wish they were all dead! Everywhere!! Mwa hahahahahahahaha (I hate you so bad flies...). Anyhoo, as I was saying, dead flies (teehee) at the window sill, I was cleaning them up. I noticed one white bug that looked an awful lot like a fly, but white... After closer inspection, I found that it was a BEE. A dead ALBINO BEE. What are the chances?! This has to be either good or bad luck. Or a sign. Or just another dead albino bee. I dunno.

And then (even more shocking than me being able to walk 21 miles without falling over dead, or dead albino bees hanging out at my crib) this weekend, I cleaned my car. Yes. My car. Is. Clean.

Or, actually, it was clean yesterday. Some dumbass wild critter walked all over my car last night. It has got weird foot prints all over it. I'm going to adopt a cat next weekend (parent orders) and have that cat kill the wild critter that messed up the beauty that was once my clean car...


At 5:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 6:38 PM, Blogger Kelly said...

ok, the cat probably won't be able to actually kill the raccoon that walked all over your car. Just an FYI.

At 8:57 AM, Blogger Melissa said...

Haha, maybe a cat of YOURS wont kill a racoon that would mess up my car. But my cat will...


At 10:14 AM, Blogger sjhiro said...

Wow! Amazing 21 miles?! Time goes by too fast - I can't believe the marathon is in three weeks!

Ewww to the cleaning! Yes yes, when's it clean for visitors?


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