Thursday, March 10, 2005

I want to camp and eat marshmellows... DAMMIT

I havent updated my blog for a spell. So I shall do so.... now.

I'm really, very unmotivated to write actual full sentences, so I will write a list of things going on in my life:

1. Nothing really.
2. I ate a Subway Sandwich.
3. I drank Perfect Peach tea. It made the office smell peachy. (Oh yea! Peachy's got it!)
4. I worked some.
5. I am dog sitting my puppies, who are home right now hampster sitting Betty.
6. Murphy tried to eat Betty last night. I laughed. Hard. I love Murphy.
7. Betty tried to eat me last night. I stopped laughing. I frowned. I have luke-warm feelings for Betty.
8. One of the new Nathan's next door goes to PPC. I have avoided him this week. Knowing people makes me uneasy.
9. I celebrated Ben's birthday by eating a TOOOOOON.
10. I am wearing my mom's perfume because she wasnt home to tell me I couldnt. Heh.
11. I shaved my legs. I like feeling my legs now, its fun. And smoooooooooth (what does that remind you of Brenna? Smooooooooooth hiccup)
12. I am bored of writing now. Or, it very well could be that I am bored of my life right now. Either way, I am ending my blog entry for the day.


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