Tuesday, February 22, 2005


I'm at work! Saints be praised! Yesterday was TERRIBLE. On Sunday, while I was on the phone with my loverly sister, Brenna, my throat began to hurt. One minute it was fine, the next BOOM, not good at all. I wrote it off as a approaching cold and ate an orange when I got home from shopping.

I went to bed.

Monday, I wake up. It felt like someone stuck a knife down my throat. I stumbled to a mirror and took a peek at my throat. Ugh! Gross, it was WAAAY swollen with puss bubbles all over it. I called me mumsi and asked her what was wrong with me. Tonsillitis. Hmmm. That's not contagious at all, so I get ready for work, because, despite my throat, I feel fine.

I get to work. I dont feel good anymore. I get diagnosed with strep throat by my co-worker. I get sent home. I go to my parents to steal their supply of anti-biotics as I am not insured as of yet. I practically drowned in Murphy's slobber while trying to take a nap. So I left to go to my apartment.

I sit in my apartment. And stare at the floor which needs to be vacuumed, but I had no energy to do it. So I fumed. And watched "Sleepers," because THAT outta cheer me up. Ugh.

Enter my roommate, who has had to day off. She went to the beach with her boyfriend. Boy did she rub that one in thick. "Oh Melissa!! It was magical! It was sunny! and warm! I ate the best ice cream EVER, we had clam chowder, and ran on the beach! blah blah blah blah, oh! and how was your day"

"I'm sick, shut up"

"Oh, that sucks. Did you know we are out of forks?" So I get up and start loading the dishwasher, as she STEALS MY SICK COUCH. SHE CHANGES THE CHANNEL FROM WHAT I WAS WATCHING TO WHAT SHE WANTED TO WATCH. Then she starts talking about how fabulous her day was, and how she didnt want to work tomorrow.

I mean, this girl, gets sick once a month. The world bends over backwards for her. Her boyfriend comes over and makes soup for her everytime. She gets the couch, the remote control, EVERYTHING is at her beck and call. When she is sick, I'm not so rude as to tell her how great my life is.

Today, no, I dont feel much better. But I am not spending one more day in that apartment. Alone. And sulky. I just get mean. And bitter. And annoying.


At 8:55 AM, Blogger Kelly said...

AAHHHH...my poor little Mel. Next time come over to our house & I will pamper and care for you. Of course instead of Murphy drool you will get Riley, Sammy & Rudy drool. But I will let you watch Whatever you want and feed you chicken soup.

At 11:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How nice Kelly! I would too, but you would have Annie Drool. Seems we all have some form of Drool, except for Melissa, I don't think hamsters drool?! I hope you are well now. I want some of Kelly's Chicken Soup!


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