Friday, February 18, 2005


More than one person has bought it to my attention that I dont talk much about work. I shall remedy that by speaking of work right now.

Right now there is a meeting going on with all the upper management folk in one of the classrooms here. The theme is "Jazz." You know how Jazz musicians work together while playing music? Yea, upper management is being taught (or reinforced) how to do that. They actually hired a live Jazz band to come in and play music. Why? I dunno. But right now I'm listening to live jazz.

OK, enough work talk.

Last night I had a major mental breakdown, much to Darbie's delight. The stupid fire alarm at our apartment needed a new battery. It has for about a month now. So it beeps, right?

Beep. One minute goes by. Beep. Another minute goes by. Beep.

It started doing that, and then stopped after about an hour. Last week it started up again, but NEVER STOPPED BEEPING. I tried changing the battery, but you needed a screw to open the stupid battery holder thingy. So I went to my parents place and got the tools my dad got me for Christmas. I got the battery out. I tore the fire alarm from the ceiling to make it shut the hell up. BUT IT DIDNT STOP. It kept beeping from God knows where. I didnt have the right batteries. I started yelling. And screaming. And cursing. And hitting the fire alarm with one of the tools my father gave me for Christmas.
Darbie ran into her room and shut the door, then yelled through the door, "I will NOT be a witness to what you are about to do to our apartment."
And then I yelled back, "Shut the hell up unless you want ME to fix YOU next!"
Which shut her up pretty quick. I eventually had to run to Fred Meyer to buy a stupid 9volt battery. When I was there, some loser old guy tried to pick up on me.

Usually I'm somewhat kind to people who unknowingly are annoying the crap outta me. But I was still fuming from the whole battery thing going on.

Fred Meyer's electronic section, me standing at the batteries making sure I select the correct one.
Loser Old Guy: Hel-
Me: No. NO.
I walk away.

I refuse to feel bad about that though. I went home after that, put the new battery in and the beeping blissfully stopped. I missed the OC though. Crap.


At 10:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you should have had the apt manager/maintance take care of all that stuff. in corvallis, our battery kept beeping, so we had them take care of it and they provided the battery.

At 11:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was incredibly funny. Nice attempt at talking about work, I missed what you said, oh ya, Jazz. Boy, that just filled us all in as to how YOU are doing with work, all the information processing and all that! How was the concert? T


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