Friday, January 21, 2005

Phew... Tough Day

Fridays are always difficult for me. I have to wake up, gussy up, and make it to work by 8am. Luckily Friday's here are casual Fridays, so I dont have to put so much thought into what I look like. This particular Friday has been very difficult for me. I came prepared to work all day in the filing room, but alas, I found a couple minutes into my work day, that Jodi has hurt her neck and will be returning home for some much needed R&R.

Meaning, of course, that I need to be holding the fort in my office. Alone. All day. With nothing to do. Yes, thats right, I have been surfing the internet all day. And not filing. And getting paid for this. AND it's Friday. One cant help but smile.

It brings to mind a unfavored song of mine: "She works hard for the money, so hard for it honey [if not "for it honey," then "for the money" I dont actually KNOW the lyrics to this song], she works hard for the money, so you better treat her right" Ah, yes. My theme song for the day. mm mm mm.

This day also brings to mind my father's bottle opener thingy, "oh ho, yeah! Time for a BEER!"

Unfortunalty, they dont let us drink beer here. Also, they dont let us build shelves under our desks like George did in Seinfeld ("oh no! a bomb threat! Kids! hide under the desk!"). I could use a nap right about now.


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