Wednesday, January 12, 2005

New Job

Well, I'm sitting at my new desk right now. In my new office. On my new computer. Next to my new co-worker, Jodi. Chewing on a new stick of gum.

It's weird having to use my brains to learn again. I spend four hours each day in training, going over things like, err... loans. And Pell grants. PLUS loans. Taxes. Paper work. New computer systems. Oi. I also have (get) to go to a workshop next Tuesday. I've never been to a workshop before. I've also never had an office before.

I really like having an office. I wore a shirt today that matches my desk. Because I look hot in this office.

Oh yea.

Also, today I ate a veggie sandwich at Quizznos. That really doesnt have anything to do with anything, but I thought you should know this.


At 3:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad you look hot in your new office, I'm wondering what color it is you wore that matches your new office? What is it you do, when you aren't training? Please let us know this on your next entry. A workshop eigh? Sounds important, doesn't it? Jodi hugh, boy or girl?

At 5:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

your new job sounds great! hahah. i know all about student loans and plus loans, grants, etc. etc. lol. i would spend many hours researching what was in my packets..! yeah. so i wrote you an email.. no response! it's my birthday weekend.. whoo whoo!



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