Sunday, January 09, 2005

It's Sunday, I'm bored, Lay off...

thirteen questions
Thirteen random things you like: 13. A clean kitchen 12. Blue Jeans 11. Murphy 10. A good sneeze 9. Target 8. Money 7. Vacations 6. Long car rides 5. Alan Alda 4. Bonzanza 3. Pillows 2. Eating out 1. Socks

Twelve movies: 12. Seven Brides for Seven Brothers 11. Dog Fight 10. Best in Show 9. Bringing Up Baby 8. Star Wars 7. Harry Potter 6. Pride and Prejiduce 5. Singing in the Rain 4. Dogma 3. Stand By Me 2. When Harry Met Sally 1. Robin Hood: Prince of Theives

Eleven good bands/artists: 11. Dave Matthews Band 10. 311 9. Jack Johnson 8. Elton John 7. Dido 6. Steve Miller Band 5. Madonna 4. No Doubt 3. Green Day 2. Usher 1. Cake

Ten things about you 10. Blonde 9. Bored 8. "Smiley" 7. Friendly 6. Scared of spiders 5. Poor 4. Laaaaid Back 3. "Twitchy" 2. "Blotchy" 1. Confused

Nine things you hate: 9. Headaches 8. Heights 7. Money 6. Mold 5. Blushing 4. Hangovers 3. Traffic 2. Bills 1. NYPD Blue

Eight favorite foods/drinks: 8. Noodles 7. French Fries 6. Soda 5. Ice Cream 4. Ham 3. Hash Browns 2. Water 1. Snickers

Seven things you wear daily: 7. Undies 6. Bras 5. Powder 4. Shoes 3. Sweaters 2. Lotions 1. Smile (haha, corny)

Six things that annoy you: 6. Corny People 5. Hearing people eat 4. People who talk during movies 3. Lindsay 2. Murphy's Breath 1. My breath in the morning

Five things you touch everyday: 5. Tooth brush 4. My hair 3. My cell phone 2. Door handle 1. Shoes

Four shows you watch: 4. Global Trekker 3. Bonanza 2. Law & Order 1. Seinfeld

Three celebrities you have a crush on: 3. Johnny Depp 2. Jude Law 1. Brad Pitt

Two people on myspace that you have kissed: 1. No one 2. No how

One person you could spend the rest of your life with: 1. Murphy


At 12:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

dog fight! hahah. that's a movie i won't soon forget! let me know your schedule.. my birthday weekend's coming up!

At 12:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh yeah. i forgot to say the last comment was me..


At 3:38 PM, Blogger jen said...

Did you ever see Alan Alda in Same Time Next Year?
Seriously. He was majorly excellent. One of my favorite flicks. Definately a must-see for Alan Alda lovers.


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