Thursday, October 07, 2004


There was a time when I was younger, where I had a bus driver named Amy who would drive all her passengers to their front door. She was cool. She was in school training to be a teacher. One day she drove me to my front door. Very nice of her, indeed, HOWEVER, I was going to be babysat by one of my neighbors down the street, so she dropped me off at the wrong place. I felt bad that she went out of her way to make my pitiful life just a little better, so I walked to my front door, stopped, turned around, smiled and waved goodbye to her. But she didnt leave, see? She stayed around and waited for me to go inside. I couldnt go inside though, I didnt have the key, so I just sat there waving at her. And she kept on waving at me. It was a waving party, soon other classmates of mine started to wave at me too. And I just continued to wave. Golly, I was embarresed. Finally, after about 45 seconds of this, I turned my back to the bus and just stood at a corner next to my front door. I rested my head on my house, waiting for the bus to leave. Finally about another 30 seconds later the bus left. The rest of the year, while Amy was still my bus driver, I got the oddest looks from her. As odd as this story is, I think its weirder that my sister has decided to become a vegetarian.


At 12:39 PM, Blogger Brenna said...

Oh my gosh. You're making me laugh out loud here at the burn unit nursing station. WHEN did this happen? Did you ever have Bud or Sally as your bus driver? Bud sold beef jerky and Sally was this tiny little lady who yelled at every one. I don't think I had Amy... I'm gonna get Lindsay some meat for Christmas.

At 4:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why did you tell Lindsay that she's getting meat for Christmas!? she reads these too! But I thought it was funny too, what triggered your head to think of that? You crack me up too, however, maybe the patients in the burn room appreciate your laughter! I'm glad Melissa gets to visit you for her birthday, she misses you! What a nice present from your parents too!


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