Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Hungry Hungry Hippo

I'm bored with Mt. Saint Helens. ERUPT ALREADY!!! For the love of Super Tramp! Enough blowing steam, AND ERUPT!!! ::sigh:: Everytime I turn the television on, the news people are doing coverage. I only have basic cable. I'm bored watching whats-his-name....ummmm... Ken Achorman or something. IM BORED OF YOU KEN!! I'm bored of scientists talking about a 70% chance that we may or may not have a slight eruption! I'm sick of looking and the geologists weird haircuts! And their stupid polo shirts! And the weird words they use! I was actually sooooo bored with them this morning that I just decided to be attracted to one of the geologists. I forgot his name. He had a beard. And an unusually large head. Or an unusually small body, I couldnt tell. And a pointy nose. He was talking about how the mountain may or may not erupt. And it may or may not be a large or small eruption. He's going to keep us informed. Whatever.


At 4:02 PM, Blogger jen said...

So glad to see that someone other than myself, equates Supertramp with a diety!


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