Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Oh my, Oh my Indeed!

There...was....a....shoe...saaaaaale! It was like today was a holiday at WBC!! New shoes for everyone! Boots! Sandals! Loafers! It was a shoe BONANZA!! To top it off, it was the lovely Tanya's birthday. So there were balloons! And fashion shows. Ah, if only all days could be so happy. I got 3 pairs myself. I got a pair of boots. I got a pair of sandals. And I got meself a pair of loafers. I am BESIDE myself. What to wear tomorrow?


At 12:14 AM, Blogger sjhiro said...

mel!! i've been trying to get a hold of you by bombarding phone calls. call me- lets hang out this weekend! have ur sex and the city. !!! call !!


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