Friday, September 24, 2004

Working for people in sales blow

I'm getting a very anti-Melissa vibe going on today. Which is fine really, I dont have to work tomorrow, while the rest of my team does. Do NOT forget what I do for you all though. Sales people (warning, I do love each and every person I work with very much) have double faces. I deal with the ugly side. And then watch them all suddenly transform into beautiful creatures right before my eyes when a prospective client comes in. It's annoying. I understand that they are all under a lot of stress. I do what I can to help them out. I bend over backwards, I would bleed out of my eyes if my boss asked me to. It's wearing me out. I can only go on smiling for so long. I'm tired. I'm cranky. I've found a wrinkle! I'm, believe it or not, under a great deal of stress myself, without having to carry their stress with me too.

I need a new freakin job, I'm sorry all, it's time I go.


At 3:14 PM, Blogger Kelly said...

If I have failed to express to you HOW DAMN MUCH you mean to our sales team, then listen up. YOU ARE FANTASTIC!!!!

YOU ROCK!! You are an absolute gem. I am so sorry we are a pain in the ass. Yes, sales people are a pain in the ass. It is part of the territory.

But, please do not think we do not appreciate you, love you and care about you. WE DO!!

And if anyone gives you grief I'll kick their bottom.

At 11:12 PM, Blogger jen said...

I REALLY REALLY adore you. I hope you know that you keep things sane and in perspective at this crazy crazy job. Thank you for being you, seriously. You are wonderful, and a breathe of fresh air.

At 1:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hang in there, things have a way of always working themselves out, it's all about time. And it will work itself out, may not be when you want it, but it will. Chalk this up to a learning experience, and learn from it, it's just life right here and now. Life is always changing, and things will change. I will try my best to help you out of this slump you are in, and in actuality, I already have. So, keep your chin up, and keep positive thoughts running through your head, don't get depressed, it's always another day, a new day to make the best of. I'm always there for you, don't you forget that. You do a smashing good job, whether you like what you do or not. Even on your first job, those people love you and adore you, and in talking with you, they have proven that, keeping your job, and making you welcome when you came back. For right now, remember your blessings, you have 2 jobs, it feeds and clothes you. You have loving wonderful parents who are supportive, and your awesome sisters who stand up for you even if you were wrong, which, you aren't! Murphy(kins) loves you more than food itself! I love and adore you, and always will through the good and the bad, that's what friends and family do. They support you, let you cry on their shoulder, scold you when it is necessary and then turn around with loving arms and tell you it's ok, I love you no matter what! And that my dear is an awesome thing to have. Think of the nerd, he probably has no one but his very own hand! You are way above that ! Don't forget Darby, she loves you too, you guys are like two peas in a pod if I've ever seen one! And, oh yes, Betty, little fat rolly polly Betty loves you too, she shows you by love bites! Even the spiders in your apartment love you, and not to mention the ones that live in your car, not anyone else's, but yours! That makes you special, and you are. So, in times of distress, remember your blessings, you are beautiful, intelligent, have 2 jobs, are well educated, the people you work with love you, your family, friends and there are lots of those who you just spent several days with, they all love you, Murphy and then, there's me! Your bills are paid, you have a car that works, and last but not least, I love you, so hang in there, keep your chin up, and remember, change is the only constant in the universe, and things will be changing soon, you can count on that. Love T


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