Thursday, September 23, 2004

One wish

If I were to have one wish that would come true, it would be to become Sleeping Beauty. Not only do I get to be a beauty, I would get sleep for one hundred years. To be awakened by some hot prince. In tights. Solid. Then the prince and I would go to a party, where my dress would change from pink to blue. And everyone would be SOOOOO happy that the prince and I got together. Because before, the prince thought he was in love with someone else, but he wasnt, he was in love with me. The problem was that I didnt know that I was a princess. Which, of course, I am. A princess. Who has a way with owls and squirrels. And I live with three wacky ladies. Who like pink and blue. And float around a lot. When I'm done dancing at the party where my dress turns blue and pink, I would go to a corner and get sloshed. Because I would have to get married, and I'm starting to have suspisions about my fiance's relationship with his horse. I've also just found out that I will be the princess of France, which really annoys me. Because, I mean, come on, no amount of rest is enough to deal with those wack cases for the rest of my days. So, I would go on a quest to find Aladdin's lamp to wish that I was a receptionist at a career college. I'd also wish that I wasnt so darn beautiful, so stupid prince's in tights would leave me the hell alone. To top it all off, I would wish that I would never get a chance to sleep again. One hundred years is tooo toooooo toooooo long. Now that I think on it, I think my wish did indeed come true both times. And THATS why I'm here. Tonight. Answering phones and not sleeping. It would also explain why France and boys in tights annoy me.


At 5:08 AM, Blogger Brenna said...

Missy Jo, you are deeply funny. Why don't you quit that job and write a book? Or become a stand-up comedian. Hee-hee! That'd be fun. Though, my newest career advice (for everyone, not just you): CRNA. All the perks of an anesthesiologist (including the $$$salary$$$) without having to go to med school or pay malpractice insurance. I'm telling you, these people have it made. For overtime, they make $100/hr. Yeah. That should be your next wish... or maybe mine.


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