Tuesday, October 04, 2005


I've been fighting a headache all day. I think it may be starting to win. The headache, that is. Winning my brain. I'm having a hard time focusing. For an example, I just spelled "time" in that last sentance "tyme." I reread it, and noticed something amiss. And it took me, like, 5 seconds to figure out that I cant spell anymore.

Spelling is overrated anyhoo.

I'm going to North Carolina in November (on my birthday to be exact) to visit the elder sister!!! Then we're driving down to South Carolina!!! To Charleston!!!

The best part of it all, was that I got a ticket for $198!!

And it gets even better! My mom's paying for the ticket! So its zero dollars for me.

The worst part of it all, is that I will be traveling all day on my birthday. I hope they show a movie on the plane.


At 10:57 AM, Blogger sjhiro said...

OOoh! What fun birthday plans!!! But I won't get to celebrate it with you =*( and you know how I love celebrations! Maybe before you go, we can have a mini celebration, yeah?


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