Monday, March 14, 2005

Star Wars

I'm on my diet again. Lame. Last night Tiva and I made little charts to follow with goals and weigh ins. So far I have not cheated. My goal today was three glasses of water and no candy. In the beginning, it was easy.

Now, not so much. I'm DYING for a little taste of chocolate. But, no. If Luke Skywalker can resist the temptation of the Dark Side, I can resist chocolate.

Haha, thats how I'll stay on this diet! I'll pretend all my cravings are Darth Vador, and I'm Luke Skywalker.

For example:

Chocolate aka: Darth Vador: Hey Melissa, eat me.
Me aka: Luke Skywalker: "I will not fight you, father. I know there is still good in you. I can sense your conflict."

I can DO this. Now I have to pretend to work some more. Arg.


At 5:37 PM, Blogger jen said...

This entry made me laugh. You are funny!

At 11:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

HAHHAHA. you are too funny! i'm on a 'eating healthier and healthy portions' diet. lol. you should give into your cravings once in a while (as in rewards) otherwise it'll be a crash diet...


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