Thursday, October 14, 2004

You ever had one of those days?

You ever had one of those days where, like, you know, EVERYONE pisses you off? Even if you're not mad at anyone, and actually they make you laugh and everything, but just the fact that they exsist and you have to interact with them pisses you off? You ever have one of those days, where it would be beneficial for EVERYONE if you just stayed home and watched conflict arise between Carly and Sonny on General Hospital? And then later you would go out for lunch at some random restaurant where NO ONE speaks ANY english at all, so starting a conversation with you would be both pointless and dumb becuase it would just end in a tragic hand gesturing fight that would result in me slapping them? And then later when I am full I go to a sauna room at the gym, where NO ONE interupts me because when they try to open the sauna room door they get a shock, becuase this sauna room door is METAL not WOOD, so they say "screw it" and go to the steam room instead so I am able to sprawl out in my birthday suit with out having to compare myself with a 45 year old women who has 18 children, yet still has a much much better body than I do? Then later I go home and watch a couple of my favorite movies without my roommate coming in and asking me how my day is? And then I go to bed? After I eat more? After I eat a meal that was made for me magically and later my dishes would also be magically cleaned up all by itself? Because cleaning blows? Oh, oh, yea! And when I do go to bed some hot, hot, hot man that makes Brad Pitt look like, errr, Michael Moore comes in and gives a LOOOOOOOOOONG massage, so when I wake up all my muscels will be all "oh, Melissa, we love you so!"? And then later on that next day this hot, hot, hot man who also happens to be rich, and really, really wants to pay off all my bills, and who also has a wonderful personality and hates skinny, pretty women, asks me on a date to the same restaurant where no one speaks any english then proposes to me, then takes me to Vegas where we marry, and then he later takes me to England to honeymoon? And then buys me a lot of tailored clothes? And then later we go beat George W. Bush and Paris Hilton with a base ball bat?

Yea, I know, I'm having one of those days too. Really. FRICK!


At 10:51 AM, Blogger Kelly said...

Beat W with a bat???


At 4:21 PM, Blogger sjhiro said...

i've had one of those days.. it's mostly because i'm still living at home, sharing a car, and working only pt...


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