Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Good Grief

One of my roommies (the one with excessive gas) is moving out on Monday. This came outta NO where. So now my other roommie wants to move into a 3 bedroom apartment and take on another roommie. I dont have money to move. Although it would be nice to have my own room... So, my choices, either Darbie moves into my room, and I go on a usual, sharing a room, but having money. OR moving, and digging myself deeper into a hole I want desperatly out of and having my own room. I dont think I have a choice in this matter though. I think Darbie has already made up her mind. Oh! PS, if you dont know me, dont bother giving me advice I dont need........


At 6:14 PM, Blogger Brenna said...

Move to North Carolina! :)

Money is more important than space, but sanity is more valuable than money...

At 9:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well Brenna, I appreciate your sound advice, and this is me by the way. I don't want her to move to NC, I like her fine here just where she is at, less moving to a larger apartment. I'm curious how much more is it going to cost to move, since you have already paid deposits in this apartment? But, Brenna does have a very valid point, just not there in NC! I'd miss you tremendously! I support you no matter what your decision, that's what friends do, and I am a friend! I work with Melissa and know quite a bit about her, so I feel I can say this knowingly. I would still talk to Darbie about this, she cannot move without you, so it's not really over with yet. She is an open minded girl, talk to her and let her know you really can't afford to dig yourself deeper in a hole. Some how, there is a way to make this work out, where there is a will, there is a way! Let me know what she decides, I'm curious, and my mind wants to know!

At 3:49 PM, Blogger Kelly said...

Just out of curiosity, why not move back w/ your parents until you are out of this economic hole? Your parents sound fine and not unbearable to live with. So...?

At 4:03 PM, Blogger Sherilla Lay said...

Mel, get a room of your own. Money can be earned, but there are some things that they can’t buy. Everyone needs a room of her own and privacy. Do it!

At 5:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm. I just posted as Susan, but that was really Brenna. Using Susan's computer. Thus the referring to Mom and Dad as "Mom and Dad," not 'your parents...' :)


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