Thursday, June 17, 2004


I wish we could pick different rings for my phone up here. It goes "brrrng...brrrng" That bores me immensely. I wish it was like a cell phone, where you can change the ring to fit your moods. My cell phone plays Madonna's Material Girl when the ballarina calls. It plays Jay-Z's Dirt off your shoulder when my gal pals call. It's interesting. When my family calls it plays Britney's Toxic. It makes me giggle. It makes answering your phone fun again.

I was reading the sport section of the Oregonian today (I know! ::gasp:: it was only because I couldnt find the comics). There is some Grand Prix type of thing going on right now. And the boys are very very very cute! I especially enjoy an English chap named Justin Wilson. He's a rookie, and he is adorable. It says here that he enjoys eating pasta and drinking orange juice. Hmmm. I wonder what else he enjoys... Perhaps busty blondes who enjoy complaining? Tee hee. If Justin Wilson were to call my cell, I would have the ring play... hmmm... The British National Anthem. Or Super Tramp. Ah, if only...

I saw my sweet Murphy last night. He panted and gave me kisses. Lexi bit me.

4 hours and 10 minutes left. Whoosh, I can DO THIS!!! I know I can. Super Tramp is on my side.

I dont know the British National Anthem.


At 7:47 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

I feel really bad for the British most the time.

At 7:26 AM, Blogger Brenna said...

Does it play Britney when I call, too? Or do I get my own special ring? Susan's phone plays "The Dork" or "The Goofball" or "The Klutz" or something along those lines when I call her...


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