Monday, May 10, 2004

Stoopid people!!

This actually happened a few days ago, but as I am waiting for work to end, I thought it would be a good time to record it.

My fellow receptionist at crime received a phone call from someone who thought the Max (Part of Portland's transit system in the form of a light rail train thingy) was all blown up and bombed. Haha, so I looked it up on to see what happened. It turned out that a Portland man was linked to the bombing in Spain. So they showed the footage of the Spain attack. He must have thought that was the max. He also must have been some kind of stupid. You dont even have to read the screen. They talk. You listen. It doesnt take a brainiac to understand what was going on. You dont have to think. Televised news is for people too lazy to read the newspaper. Are we really at the point where we are too lazy to listen to the news now?

Good Lord. He must be a Fox news watcher. Dumbass.


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