Tuesday, February 08, 2005

I'm only doing this for my own entertainment. Read at your own risk...

1. Your real name: Mork
2. friends call you: ::sigh:: Melissa
3. What your bf calls you: Angel of Music. When he sings to me, it goes a little something like: "SING!! SING TO ME MY ANGEL OF MUUUUUUUUUSIC" He's odd. Wait, I dont have a boyfriend.
4. What's a name you once wished you'd rather have?: Errr, Frank.
5. What is/are the ugliest name(s) you can think of?: Kelly, err, no. Tanya. Noooo, Jennifer. Wait Brenna. Naaaaaah, gosh! You got me!
6. What would you name these if you had them as pets?
a. turtle: Tulip.
b. goose: Fitzgerald
c. pirate: If I had a pirate as a pet? Uhhh, Scott.
d. a hot girl: Unice. After my gradma.
7. If there was a song about you, what would it be called?: There already is a song about me! It's called "Melissa" by the Allman brothers.
8. What would you name your kids?: Georgia for a girl. Peter for a boy. Seriously.
9. What would you name a ship you built?: Jenny. Haha, get it? Jenny? From Forest Gump? Anyone?
10. If you wrote a book, what would it be called?: "Melissa, and the many people who annoy her. A novel..."

11. Thrown up in public?: Dont remember. I dont believe so. I did in a car. With people in it. I think I permantly scarred some random boy in the process. His last name was Gross. So it fits.
12. Eaten or drank anything spoiled?: Does stale Cheerios count? Then yes!
13. Had a rip in your pants you didn't know about? No, I knew about it...
14. Tripped while checking someone out?: Probably. I trip a lot.
15. Had to pay for something you broke?: Noo.
16. Nearly drowned?: No.
17. Passed out?: Oh, many times! Haha.
18. Had a crush on somebody: who hasn't? Yes. At the current moment I have a crush on me.
19. Been stuck in the rain?: Hi, I currently reside in Oregon.
20. Been attacked by an animal?: Yes! I think so! I dont remember!
21. Caught people having sex?: No, but I could always here one of my old roommies doing it, which is just as bad.
22. Fallen asleep while driving?: No. My dad has. hahha.
23. Felt attracted to someone of the same sex?: Just myself.
24. Actually slipped on a banana peel?: No, I dont put banana peels on the floor.
25. Made a wish that came true?: Yes, but I wish for easy things. Example "I wish for a popsicle."

26. I once had a dream...That Alex DeLarge was talking to me about how he didnt want to kill the crazy cat lady. Actually, that dream was last night.
27. I'm only racist towards...Crazy cat ladies.
28. I don't even know why I'm... here.
29. I'd give anything to have sex with... No one! Sex is for perverts!
30. Nothing sucks more than having to... poop at work.
31. If I had six bucks i'd buy...my way outta here.
32. It's hot. I should take off my...scarf.
33. It's always more fun if you...do it with a smile!
34. You can't eat steak without...Teeth.
35. You better shut up before I... call you!
36. I really like you and everything but...I hate the shirt you are wearing

40. A dirty old guy at the airport slaps your ass? Blush. Silently fume. Complain later.
41. Somebody was about to steal your car? Run away.
42. You wake up with a billion spiders crawling all over you and your bed?: I dont like this quetion. I actually have nightmares about only one spider. GREAT! now I have to silently fume!
43. You farted while giving a persuasive speech in class?: Do that thing we used to do in elementry. You know, put your thumb on the bridge of your nose and wiggle your fingers about, then say, "It wasnt me!!" Then continue the speech.
44. The person you just kissed tells you they have oral herpes? Tell him that I'm a man.
45. You have three wishes? I would wish for three things.
46. The government allowed you to choose one thing to be made illegal and one thing to be legalized?: I would make it illegal to smoke cigarettes in public parks. And I would make it legal to have open alcoholic beverages on the streets.
47. Britney Spears was at your front door asking for jumper cables?: I would tell her I didnt have any. because I dont.
48. You had a time machine?: I would sell it to someone. Make lots of money. Then move to Paris. Get married. Not to a French fellow, mind you, but an English chap. I would have two children named Peter and Georgia. Then I would eat a sandwich.
49. FOX gave you a half hour show to do whatever you wanted?: I would show a rerun of Friends. I'm creative like that.

50. Would you rather find the cure for cancer or the cure for aids?: AIDS
51. Would you rather have the power to fly, or the power to teleport?: Teleport
52. Would you rather have the power to see the future, or the power to record your dreams?: Record my dreams. I like my future to be a suprise.
53. Would you rather be really skinny, or really fat?: Skinny
54. Would you rather be lost in a forest, or stuck in a box?: Well, I could probably breathe better in a forest.
55. Would you rather be in a drama movie, or a comedy?: Comedy
56. Would you rather be in a hip hop video or a rock video?: Rock, If I were in a hip hop video, I would probably be one of those fat white girls who all the black girls point and laugh at. Because I'm white and fat and black girls like to point and laugh at me.
57. Would you rather have your birthday on Christmas Day, or on February 29th?: christmas day.
58. Would you rather live in the sewer, or in Afghanistan?: That's really mean to Afghanistan.
59. Would you rather be in a mental institution or in a penitentiary?: Mental, it would be fun to laugh at all the crazies
60. Would you rather snowboard or hang glide: snowboard.
61. Would you rather be a ninja or a pirate?: Pirate! Arrrrrrg!

62. Courage: Heights!
63. Driver: Rush hour!
64. Yoga: Class!
65. Bakery: The dry cleaners! This is fun!
66. Roach: Down town!
67. Mushroom: A commercial!
68. Sprung: Well I never!
69. Exotic: Fruit!
70. Pythagorean: Monty Python!

71. Construct an acronym for these words. (example: G M S = Give Me Steak)...
a. S O L R A K S: Silly online lovers run a knife shack.
b. E B A F S: Every bailiff always farts silently
c. C H I N A: Charts have indigo nobbin ankles.
d. R G P: Really Great Porno
72. What is your definition of love?:
( P ) Pronunciation Key
A deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a person, such as that arising from kinship, recognition of attractive qualities, or a sense of underlying oneness
73. List 3 words that are clues to identifying a person you are currently interested in: Bonanza. Cartwright. Black.
74. Reveal a secret about you that nobody knows of, but type it in acronym form. SWIAAILTSMGB.
76. Were you too scared to do it?: To do what?
77. Who or what is your worst enemy?: Hangnails!
78. Who is the last person you kicked?: I think I acidentally kicked Lexi.
79. If you had to be a chess piece, which piece would you be?: Bishop.
80. Name three people you know whose names begin with the first letter of your last name: Maria, Marcea (I work with her, I dont know her that well), Melanie
81. What's one romantic thing somebody's done for you?: ::sniff sniff::.

83. "Girls are nothing but drama.": I'm drama? I thought I was blonde and a couple of other things.
84. "Only idiots watch The Simpsons.": Umm, who says that?
85. "Kentucky is way better than Cali": Haha, ok sure. I havent been to Kentucky ever.
86. "There's nothing wrong with stealing.": As long as its not from me.
87. "Alcohol is the answer to ALL your problems.": Even mathmatical problems?
88. "You don't need to go to college to be a brain surgeon." my brain surgeon will have gone to college.
89. "Music is stupid.": SING MY ANGEL OF MUUUUSIC!
90. "Your car sucks.": Oh yea? You're mom goes to college...


At 8:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love my name, damn it Janet! What's up with the angel of music??? I'm lost with that one. You must have been bored, and even for your own selfish amusement, I still find you very amusing! Your dad fell asleep while driving! For shame! Just kidding! Last night was great! I'm having left over Prime Rib and Lean Cuisine Mac & Cheese for lunch today! And I'm eating inn! Strange for me, so keep on truckin' baby! Love T

At 12:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh melissa, you are too funny! hahahha! whens our next sushi date?!


At 1:25 PM, Blogger Brenna said...

It's Eunice.


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