Monday, January 31, 2005

New Post!

This weekend twas a boring weekend. Nothing amused me. Not even when Gidget Douglas (one of my Sims2 characters) started on fire.

Speaking of fire, I started a peanut butter jar on fire this weekend. Mmm, yes. Darbie likes to keep her peanut butter refridgerated. Why in Gods name? I know not. So I was trying to make a toasted peanut butter and honey sandwich for my snacky snack, but the peanut butter was too hard to spread on the toast. I then came up with the genius idea to microwave the peanut butter for a couple of seconds....


Darbie is in the background somewheres, highly involved with playing Sims2 and speaking of random crap I could care less about. I am currently cursing refridgerated peanut butter.

Me thinks: I will microwave this cursed refridgerated peanut butter and show this monkey headed bo funk thingy madoogey whats up.

I put the the peanut butter in the microwave for ten seconds. I then go back to, err, something. What I mean is, I turn away from the microwave.


Me: Errr, uh, what-the!

I run quickly back to the microwave, and rip the flaming peanut butter jar from the microwave, throw it in the sink. I quickly thought of a couple excuses for starting my roommates peanut butter on fire, only to find she didnt notice anything amise. I shrug. I continue to make my sandwich.


I've always thought of Darbie being more astute to mishaps. Being as she works in a daycare. Where kids know even less than I do about many things.

Really good toasted peanut butter and honey sandwich though.


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