Wednesday, July 20, 2005


Last night Darbie and I had a very deep and intellectual conversation about celebrity gossip.

You see, I had read a gossip column not too long ago about various celebs and how they deal with errr various fans/poparazzi. Example: Toby McGuire snapped at fans when walking out of a hotel. Julia Styles snapped at a grocery clerk one day. Russell Crow throws phones. Ashton Kutcher may or may have not broken a camera. Etc. Etc.

The last celebrity this particular column talked of is Keanu Reeves. I wondered, "Keanu Reeves is such a nice guy! What could he have possibly done?!" The answer is..... He stood politely in line for a restroom for 15 minutes. Without complaining. When some guy tried to cut in front of him, Keanu said, "Dude...Whoa" and then the guy went to the back of the line.

This is all of what I told Darbie. Darbie and I thought about it, you know...thoughtfully. We thought, "Oh! If only more people were like Keanu Reeves, the world we be a much more peaceful/amusing place!"

So, now I've decided to live with a "Dude...Whoa" approach to life.

more examples!

Someone cuts in front of you while on I-5.. You think..."Dude...Whoa."
Someone insults you and or your family and loved ones...You say ..."Dude...Whoa"
Taco Bell gives you an incorrect order...You return the order and say.."Dude....Whoa."

and so on and so forth.

Haha, you guys! I seriously love that Keanu Reeves.


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