Tuesday, July 05, 2005

1 in 4 wins!

I am not that one in four, however. I one of the nameless other three. :o(

Four day weekends are the best. I am soooo well rested. I actually like things again! The twitch I developed went away! The circles under my eyes are much, much lighter than normal! I can speak in full sentances! When people speak to me, I dont start thinking about rainbows halfway through their thoughts!

This weekend, actually, was vair, vair uneventful. Thursday night I saw Paris' flick, errrrr, House of Wax at the Kennedy School House. I'm actually real glad I saw it, because I was seriously considering building my next home out of wax. I know now that a wax house will lead only to madness!! and chaos!! and a dead Paris!!

Friday I ate lunch at the Helvetia Tavern with Lindsay. We ate outside next to some engineers. Apparently, one of the engineers caught his coworker looking at porn while working. Also, I like hamburgers a lot. I dont remember the rest of Friday.
No wait! I went shopping! Ohhh, that hit the spot. There's nothing like a good dose of retail therapy. Especially with the real big sales everywhere.

Saturday I did my marathon train thingy. I hurt my foot to the point I could not walk on it for half the day. Being injured is super boring, so I dragged my ass and my foot around for the rest of the day. I went shopping again to make myself feel better. And it did! And I got an adorable shirt that I am wearing right at this second! Yesss.

Sunday I did nothing. I sat. Outside. 'Twas awesome.

Monday I ate all day. I joined some of my neighbors for fireworks since it took forever for Spicer to call. It was a big group of people, I dont think they knew they didnt know me. Suckers. Finally Spicer did call and I helped him pack.

Tuesday (today) I came to work at 10, as always, only to find that we are closing at 5, so I should have been here at 8. I guess they thought telling me that tidbit of info was silly and unnecessary. And then halfway through the day, our system broke down. So I have nothing to do. I did register for the Run Hit Wonder through Nike. Joan Jett..here I come...



At 9:45 AM, Blogger Tanya said...

I'm wondering who Spicer is?


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