Monday, May 16, 2005

Weekendy beeep

On Friday I went to Moe's (not the one on the coast with the good clam chowder, but the one in Wilsonville with the good burritos). Haha, while I was paying for my lunch up at the cash register, some pimpily kid that worked there came up to the lady that was taking my cash and said, "I'm going home" She said, "Uhh, you cant just go home." He said, "I can if I'm quitting." She said, "Uhhh, thats something you have to talk to the manager about, I'm just work here like you." He said, "Were is she, then?" She said, "Uhh, she's working." He said, "I want to go home." She said, "::sigh:: fine, then, I'll go get her."

All the while I'm standing there with my hand held out with my cash. I dont think I helped matters much by laughing at him. But jeeeeez. And, plus... he couldnt have waited for me to pay?? Whatever.

Saturday comes round... I go to check my stupid mail. I go to the mail box, I open the mail box, I grab the mail out, I start looking at the mail to see what I got, I go to close my mail box, then notice something amiss.

Hundreds...of....tiny....little....ants! Crawling all in my mail box! Like they own it! (NOTE TO ANTS: The USPS owns the box, get the hell out! OR DIE!!!!!!!!!) Anyhoo, after I noticed the new addition to the mail box, I look down at myself, ONLY TO FIND I'M COVERED IN ANTS!!!!!!!!! THE HORROR!!!! I drop my mail, start flailing all about, shreiking like a MANIAC, I can only imagine what I look like to any unsuspecting witnesses. I finally calm down.

I get back to my apartment, carrying mail with dead ants and my footprints all over it, and call my apartment manager.

The conversation is as follows:

Fay: Hi! This is Fay!
Me: Hey! Umm, I just got back from checking my mail, and I found a TON of ants in my box.
Fay: Oh! Yea, we have been recieving a lot of those complaints. This happens when we pour fresh barkdust. Sometimes ants are attracted to the fresh barkdust. It's happened more than you think!
Me: It does?!
Fay: Haha, yea!
Me: Shouldnt you put a sign up to warn people??
Fay: They're only tiny little things! Just step on them!
Me: How?
Fay: Ummm... You know, if they are still there in, like, a week, give us a call. We'll figure something out then.
Me: I dont think you understand. There are HUNDREDS of ants in my box. I dont want them all over my mail.
Fay: They're IN your BOX??
Me: Uhh, yea.
Fay: How?
Me: I dont know. I just checked my mail, and there were ants.
Fay: Did you spill any drinks in your box?
Me: Uhh, nooooo. There's only mail in my box. Mail and ants.
Fay: Well, I dont know what to tell you, I cant get into your box. Ants are often times attracted to food products.
Me: Yea, I know.
Fay: So if there isnt any food in your box, they should go away in a few days. You can call us if its still a problem next.... Friday?
Me: Ummmm......
Fay: All right then! Have a good day!

::sigh:: I'm tired of writing.


At 5:06 PM, Blogger The one and only Tree said...

Don't you just LOVE apartment managers. A few years ago my ex's truck was stolen from the parking lot, then our neighbors car was stolen a few days later, another week goes by and MY car gets stolen. So I call the management and they said, we have been getting reports about cars being stolen all over the complex, so it isn't isolated just to your building (Is this supposed to make me feel better???? That the whole complex is unsafe, not just my apartment???) Then she says, if the problem persists please let us know. Well, lady, I don't have any cars left for the to I guess I am safe! Grrrrr....

Okay I feel better now...thanks for listening:)

At 10:26 AM, Blogger Tanya said...

But if she buys a house, She IS the Owner!? I can see Melissa out there bitching at herself about the damn ant problem and why doesn't she do something about it!?

I remember Teresa telling me about that story about being ripped off, and there was no more transportation to be taken! Apartment life!


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