Monday, December 13, 2004

My Weekend...

So, this weekend... This is what I did

Friday: Went out with Christina to the U&I. Great bar for metal heads. I'm not a metal head. Not even CLOSE to being a metal head. Of course I still have fun because there was alcohol, Christina, and a handful of decent looking guys about, but still, I've never been so out of my element. Even that time I accidently went to that strip club somewheres in Gresham. Later Christina and I went to Shari's where Christina proceded to fall asleep to an amusing story of mine (I dont know why this keeps happening to me). Later we went back to my apartment, where Christina crashed on the couch, and I managed to find my bed underneith my clothes.

Saturday: Christina wakes me up about 9am. I drive her to where ever the hell she lives, and actually manage to find my way home without getting lost. I eat. I go back to bed for 6 hours. I awake and drive to my parents. I uploaded images onto this blog (your welcome) of my Thanksgiving weekend. I manage to have an actual conversation with my parents. I watch "The Terminal" I go back to my apartment. I fall asleep to "The Elf" about 4 hours after waking from my nap.

Sunday: I wake up after 14 hours of sleep, on the couch, no less. I sit and stare blankly ahead for about an hour and a half. I finally decide that I need to move. So I go to various places, buy various things, at various times, for various people. Lo and behold, my Christmas shopping IS DONE!!!

Now THAT is what I call a productive weekend.

PS: Mom, I did not drink and drive, Christina was the only one who had anything to drink of the two of us.


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